Pearl Harbor Parody

Start from the beginning

Then I grabbed him and shoved him into the booth along with me.

We seated our rears onto the small bench, and pressed the large 'Start' button.

I messed up my hair a bit, and posed dramatically.

A timer counted down till it took the picture.





On the screen, an image flashed up and it replayed the photo we had just taken a moment ago, and...... No freaking way...

I had to restrain from laughing my ass off! This was just too much to handle.

There I sat, puffing my cheeks out to look like a chubby chipmunk, squeezing my eyes shut, and then you see Blake beside me taking an opportunity to stare down into my low-cut T-shirt. That cheeky little bastard.

I slapped his arm playfully as we saw the photo together, and he laughed.

"Not okay Blake. Not okay." I shunned him playfully.

"Haha, fine. But in my defense, I'm a guy. It's just natures way Briella!" he said holding his hands up in a "I surrender" motion.

I shook my head, smiling. This guy is insane.

"Find anything interesting while you were down there?" I teased.

His eyes widened to the size of satellites, and a grin appeared on his face.

"You bet it did!!!" he chuckled. He held up his hands and made a guestere of largeness, which was displeasing to the eye.

Nice to know I have large boobs Blake. -.-

Reaaalll nice.

I rolled my eyes smiling, and I took five more silly photos with the one and only, Blake.

*** 5 Photos Later ***

We exited the booth laughing at eachother, and took our photos the machine gave us.

I stuffed my strip of photos into my pant pockets, deciding to look at them later, and walked side-by-side with Blake.

We decided to explore a bit more.

"So what do you want to do now?" Blake asked rather eager for the day to continue.

I tapped my chin thinking.

"Wanna mess with people?" I pondered.

"Hell yea!" he exclaimed, holding his palm out to give me a high-five. I cant quite reach, so I had to jump really high to even touch.

Being short has its disadvantages.

He laughed at my sad attempt.

But its not my fault I'm 5 foot. Blake is just naturally tall! He is around 6 foot, 2 inches, so hes  "a bit" taller.

"So what should we do first?" he asked me.

An evil grin crept onto my face, as I formed devious plans on how to screw with people. I'm a professional, lets just say...

I got on my tippytoes, and whispered a plan into his ear that I've wanted to try for a while now...

Once I finished talking, and him

listening, he smirked and nodded his head in agreement to my plan.

I grabbed Blake's hand, and we sat down on an open bench together, and waited for our precious victim to arrive.

*creepy grin*


A sharply dressed man in a purple tux walked by us. Perfect.

"Get your phone ready" Blake grinned maliciously.

I giggled, and only I got up from the bench, and followed close behind the sharply dressed man. Blake watched in amusement on the bench.

"Sir!" I yelled to him, catching up to him.

He turned around, and gave me a stereotypical look. Almost disguisted in me.

"Yes?" he asked, with no interest in his tone of voice.

I pressed the camera dangerously close to his face.

"How are you going to prevent Pearl Harbor from happening?" I blurted out to him, in a serious tone with a strait face. Surprisingly I kept it cool.

The man did a double take at me.

"What?!" he shouted confused.

"Pearl Harbor Sir! Happening at this moment! What are your plans of actions to save America?" I yelled with enthusiasm.

This man looked bewildered. Shocked even.

He opened his mouth to speak, and I eagerly shoved the camera impossibly closer to his face, waiting eagerly as to hear what he had to say next.

"Young lady, Pearl harbor happened many years ago!" he frowned, getting more and more confused as the conversation went on.

I put my pointer finger to his lips, 'shh'ing him. Ew, remind me to wash my hand later...

"Wait..... is this new information you are giving me, true?" I asked in "shock".

He nodded his head nervously against my finger.

I gasped. "Then the Parlimemt must be informed!" I yelled, shouting like a cliche superhero going into immediate action.

"Parliament?" he furrowed his eyebrows together, extremely confused. Hah!

"Hail Hitler!" I saluted to the man, as I sprinted away from the scene, and away for dear life.


Once I reached about 100 yards from where I last was, I stopped, and let out all the giggles I was holding in previously. I'm so good!

Blake appeared infront of me crying.

I gasped in shock. "Blake whats wrong?"

He didn't answer, but instead he just kept wiping away his tears.

I grabbed Blake's face in the palms of my hands, cupping his cheeks, and I focused on his face to see him..... Smiling?

This fool!

"Nobody h-has ever m-made me laugh that h-hard!" he said between fits of laughter.

I rolled my eyes, and punched his arm.

"Ow! What did I do?" he asked, rubbing his arm.

"You scared me to death! I thought someone hurt you!" I said looking down. I am compassionate people, so what?

My happy mood went away, after that, and I zoned in on the tiled floor.

What happened next though, I had not expected.

Two muscular arms snaked their way around my waist, and held me.... and comforted me.

"I'm glad you care" Blake whispered into me ear gently.

I nodded, smiling.

He released me from his embrace, and he turned me around to come face-to-face with him.

"Briella Silverstone... will you do me the great honor of being my friend?" he smiled a true genuine smile.

Should I accept?

30 Votes for Next Update!


Omigod! SOO sorry it took me so long to update.... /°.°\

but was it worth it? yes? no? okay...

Will Briella accept his friendship?????????????????

Team Blake?



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