(2) In Plain Sight - Book Style

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Chapter Two:

About an hour later the supposed agents arrived. They were both female and wearing black suits that looked way too expensive and black shades; you can also see white ear pieces. They walked to the desk where Officer Marriot was sitting. The two agents exchanged a look before the one on the left stepped forward. Officer Marriot looked up from his computer and smiled, his smile quickly turned into a look of understanding and then soon after he pointed towards us. The two agents turned around and began to walk forward.

I don't know why I'm feeling nervous, but I am. My heart seems to be pounding a mile a minute. At the same time they both took their glasses off, coincidence? I think it's rehearsed. The one on the right smiled and crouched so she was a little shorter than me. "Hello, I am Agent Night and I am going to be helping you with anything you need. If you could please follow me into an interrogation room so I can show your new profile."

Agent Night was pretty for an agent, I suspected they would be older and muscular, but Agent Night was slim and about 25 years old. She stood up and held out a hand, I quickly grabbed it and stood. I cast a glance towards Josh, and I saw that the Agent dealing with him was also talking about a profile.

Agent Night lead me down a dark hall and opened a door to an interrogation room I presumed. I look back to see Josh and the other Agent following quickly behind. Good, I thought, at least we get to stay together. Josh's Agent motioned towards two chairs and we sat down, and the Agents followed suit.

"Hello, I am Agent Dawn" Ha-ha. This is just too ironic, okay where are the hidden cameras... oh... in the corner. "So we have gotten signatures from your parents to emancipate you, if you do not know what that means it means you are now independent and will not be required to have your parents around."

"Yes, Mr. Mayfield I am Agent Night and I will be helping Ms. Jones, but feel free to call upon either of us if you have any difficulties or cannot reach one of us." Agent Night look towards me "The same goes for you, feel free to call upon Agent Dawn if necessary."

The both started pulling out folders and laying them on the table. The Agents took their chairs and moved them besides our own, facing us. I knew I should be polite so I too swiveled in my chair until I was facing Agent Night.

"Okay Ms. Jones, we have put together a new profile for you." She opened the folder and laid it on the table beside her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is a profile?" I knew I must sound like a complete moron, but I honestly didn't know.

"Your profile is your life, so to speak. We are placing you and Mr. Mayfield together in an apartment so we can keep a close eye on you. You will be playing the role of Ms. Katherine DeWitt, sister of Mr. DeWitt who will be played as Mr. Mayfield. You two will have become emancipated after your parents died in a tragic car wreck." She looked at the folder. "All expenses will be paid for, basically whatever you need. You will have to leave behind everything here; there shall be no contact with family, friends, neighbors, etcetera."

"Okay..." Oh god, this is just too much to take in. I feel like I'm living someone else's life.

Agent Night looked up at me and smiled. "Any other questions Ms. Jones?" I thought for a minute, I still have no idea where we are moving or about the education I need.

"Agent Night, where will we be moving?" She glanced up at me and then a look of understanding appeared on her face. She stood up and walked to the door just as Agent Dawn was. They looked at each other than back at Josh and I. A smile appeared on each of their faces.

"Rosemarie, Virginia. You will be attending Rose High School." And with that they walked out of the room. We sat there for a minute or two until Agent Dawn poked her head through the door. "We are ready for you to come outside, please walk straight to the van, get in, and buckle up."

-Author's Note-

Rosemarie, Virginia does not exsist... I don't think.. Lol.. so therefore neither does Rose High School. I wanted to shape the town and high school how I like so I'm making one up.

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