cont... Chapter 5

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Kelsey started talking about the fight with Alvin, I didn’t want to hear that so I put on my headphones and started singing like there was no tomorrow: sometimes Kelsey would just look at me with an “O_o” face which only led me to sing even more and laugh even harder.

“I’m not afraid! To take a stand every bo…” I stopped; wait a minute! Christopher called me ‘Kindergarten girl’ I’m just going to kill him. I walked where Kelsey was and asked her to hand me the phone just for a minute.

“Tell your silly friend that I’m not a Kindergartener!” I almost yelled; in the back I heard someone laugh. I knew it was him that heard what I just said; Alvin laughed and I handed the phone to Kelsey again. I went to the living room and started watching a movie; by the time the movie was finishing Kelsey showed up to the living room.

“I thought I was going to get old before you two could hang up!” I bothered.

“It wasn’t that long” Kelsey answered; by the time she sat on the couch her phone went off.

“Leah, watch this message!” she said excited.

I lean over and read the message.

 ‘Hi Kelsey,

I wanted to ask you today at school,

but I didn’t see you after the class finished.

I wanted to know if you would want to go out with me tomorrow;

Maybe to watch some movie or whatever you like.


The message was from that guy from school, what’s his name? Alejandro? Alex? Aldo? Or is it Leonardo?  Petronilo?  Florencio?

“It was from Alessandro!” she said jumping up and down, Alessandro! I almost guessed it.

“Answer him.” I grinned.

“OMG. Leah this is just great’ I’m so happy!” she said excited.

“Really? You don’t show it.” I laughed “So you’re gonna be the first of us to have a date, huh?”

“I think so; I’m just so excited. Alessandro wants to go out with me!” she yelled. Yikes my ears. Did she have to yell so close to me? I laughed; yep she was excited.  I’m so happy for her. She deserves someone who loves her a lot. She is really pretty and a special girl; if I’m happy and she is excited that means ‘no sleep night!’ .Our ‘no sleep nights’ are really cool; even though we die at school the next day.

“You gonna kiss him?” I teased her; Kelsey’s eyes widened. I can say she got nervous with my question.

“Um… no. Yes? Maybe?” It seems more like questions than answers. She got really nervous; it was her first date.  Just because she has guys drooling for her doesn’t mean that she is a professional on that subject. I hope everything goes well J.

“It’s ok Kelsey. Calm down I’m just bothering you. I’m so happy for you!” I hugged her.

“You’ll find someone too Leah; you deserve so much love” she said hugging me back. I never think about someone loving me; Alvin would kill the boy. But the idea of ‘me and a boyfriend’ feels kind of weird; you know? I’m not saying I never liked someone before, I did, but he broke my heart and it was kind of serious situation.


“Who is it?”

“It’s me Matt.”

“Ok, I’m coming” I said opening the door. He had a worried face combined with a puzzled look.

“Leah, we need to talk” he said looking at me.

“Yeah sure; wanna talk here?” I asked.

“Let’s walk a little bit.” he answered.

We started walking while he started talking.

“Leah, I really like you,” he started. ‘Ok this isn’t good’ I said to myself. He was shaking; why was he shaking? “But...right now…” he said nervous.

“What happen? You know you can tell me Matt come on; I’m not an alien or something” I said.

“Is just that… just that… Leah we can’t be together anymore” he said the last part quickly.

I stepped back; my eyes started filling with tears. Why was he telling me that? We were just fine; he said he loves me. Well every guy says that to their girlfriend; but I thought it was true.

“B-but why?” I asked shaking.

“Leah, I’m sorry, I don’t know how to explain it; it’s hard to say. I still can’t believe it.”

“Can you just tell me, please?”

“You remember I told you about my first girlfriend?”

“Yes but we didn’t touch that subject again; I thought it was tough for you since you told me she died”

“She didn’t Leah, they told me that because they want to hide….”

“What! Hide what Matt?”

Now I remember the message his sister sent me few days before. She talked about this girl; that she ‘died’ but she didn’t and her parents, I think, wanted to hide her because…. My eyes widened while remembering the message.

“Matt…” my bottom lip started shaking “Matt that boy is yours?” I asked between tears.

 I was shaking; my hands were cold. That was the last thing that I ever thought would happen. Everything just seems painful; I started looking around. I was feeling so much pain; tears were falling to the ground without stopping.

“Leah? Leah I’m sorry. I didn’t know that would happen; it was years ago. I-I don’t know what to say”

“M-Matt it’s-it’s ok I understand. That little boy is your son. You have to be with him; marry her. I can’t take you away from your own family. It was awesome to go out with you but now you have to go; take care, and I hope you have a happy life. The life that you deserve” He didn’t know how much pain saying that was causing me.

“Leah…. Thanks for all the things that happened between us. I would never forget all those times; I-I don’t know what to say. I mean I can’t believe you understand this; it means so much.”

I stayed there and drew a smile on my face. Smiling at that time hurt even more than I ever thought it would. He hugged me and kissed my cheek; looked at me for the last time and told me to keep in touch with his sister. He smiled and started walking away; my eyes were filled with tears remembering all the times we had while seeing him walking away.

*end of flash back*

“Leah? Are you there?” Kelsey laughed.

“I’m sorry I was just remembering something”

“Leah stop thinking no one would love you. I know what happened with Matt hurt you in the deepest part of your heart but like I said you deserve so much love Leah.” She assured me.

“Well, it would be weird you know” I sighed. After what happened with Matt I didn’t like anyone else. I don’t see myself with another boyfriend, it’s just, it would be crazy. I mean, wait…I don’t know what I mean. I just don’t know.

“Leah, you’re beautiful! You deserve a great guy! And someday he’ll come.” Maybe she is right. But *sigh* I would stop thinking about it; I nodded and smiled. We watched some movies, talked a little bit about guys, and she couldn’t stop talking about Alessandro. She really likes him….I still had on my mind the ‘boyfriend’ thing but… ‘God knows why he does everything’.


 so what do you think about her ex-boyfriend having a son?

comment i want to know what you think! :)

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