Start from the beginning

"You!" I yelled, pointing at the maid who Harry had checked out a few moments ago as she jumped in surprise, backing away from me in fear.

"Guess what!" I laughed as I approached her, scraping the tip of the knife against the wall while my legs moved me forward.

"My boyfriend wants to kill you -but you know what, he wants to have sex with you first!" I snapped at her, angry as if it was all her fault as the Psycho caught up and appeared at my side.

"Boyfriend?" He scoffed, giving me a look as I glared up at him while the maid shrunk in fear, her wide eyes shifting between the two of us.

"It's husband to you pumpkin." He scurnched his face at me, pinching my cheek in his large hand before something passed the maid in front of me at the end of the hallway caught my attention.

I slowly lowered the knife in my hand as if in a daze, watching as Violet held the Prince's hand, the both of them smiling at one another while she held her dress up and led him upstairs.

Upstairs to his room.

I didn't even know I was advancing towards them before the Psycho stopped me.

"Babe, where you goin?" He asked, his voice sounding distant as I blinked in confusion when he grabbed my arm to stop me, my heart beating rapidly and my palms sweating as I watched Violet and the Prince disappear upstairs.

Where is she taking my princess?

My princess- what?

I dropped the weapon in my hand, falling to my knees as a sharp pain struck my head, making me take in a sharp breath as I brought my hands up to my face, screwing my eyes shut as I heard the Psycho call my name.

I love Psycho.

No, I love Assassin.

Wait, that's not- that's not right either.

Who do I love?

"Yo you would not believe who I saw leading the Prince up into the bedroom. They are going to do the damn dirty in his royal chamber!" Someone screamed, opening a door right in front of me as the wood hit my forehead, making me fall back on my ass as I rubbed my eyes.

"Shit... I totally just hit someone didn't I... please be someone I hate..." I heard Clarece's voice say as my mind continued to pound.

"Liza, shit say something pumpkin."

"Holy jeez Liza, what are you doing just sitting on your ass? Your man is getting snatched from you get the fuck up!" Clarece screamed in my face before I felt someone grab me, shaking me by my shoulders as I forced my eyes open, coming face to face with Clarece's chubby urgent face.

"Woah... uh, Pumpkin spice guy, were her eyes always this... pink?" Clarece asked, turning to give the Psycho a look before I let out a sigh and smiled at her.

"I love you." I told her, bringing my arms out and hugging her large body to mine as she froze.

"What!? No you can't love her I didn't get enough time!" I heard the Psycho protest as I smiled against Clarece's shoulder while we stood to our feet, keeping her close and inhaling her scent.

She even smelled like cookies.

She's so beautiful.

She's mine.

"Aw, we've gotten comfortable enough to hug and talk about feelings. A new base in our friendship aye." Clarece said with a raise of her brows, gently pushing me away as I grinned at her while the Psycho crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance.

Her Effect [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now