Chapter Three

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 She was in the stables, grooming Wynd, when she saw Thor take his mount and ride in the direction of the rainbow bridge.

Well? asked Loki. I can feel your burning curiosity, why are you just standing there? Go after him if you want to know so badly! He could feel her curiosity, huh? Cas could feel his annoyance at her from earlier, and his jealousy over her curiosity towards his brother.

He has a woman, Loki. Do not worry that I fancy him in any way, other than thinking of him as a friend.

She saddled the stallion quickly and encouraged him to a canter, following the Thunderer. In her head, Loki scoffed, What cause would I have to be worried?

Multiple reasons, Cas wanted to say, but she kept them within her own conscience. Instead, she told him, I can feel it, Loki. You are still annoyed with me, you are jealous of my curiosity. That suggests you are worried at least a little, and are masking it with these others. Now, any suggestions as to what he's up to?

Cas was not surprised at his silence, he was sulking again. Instead, she concentrated on riding, seeing Thor not far ahead. As she'd thought, he was headed for the observatory at the end of the rainbow bridge where Heimdall stood guard. To check on Jane Foster, no doubt. Keeping Wynd heading right down the middle of the bridge, Cas swung down to his right, left foot out of the stirrup so as to do so. Her hand brushed the bridge only briefly, but it was enough.

Ice shot ahead, keeping to the sides of the bridge. It raced beyond her and past Thor, who spotted it. He pulled his own horse slowly to a stop, waiting for her to catch up. When she did, he continued on, not looking at her.

"You go to ask after her every night, don't you?" Cas asked. Thor glanced over at her, confused. "I was on the helicarrier, Thor," she reminded him. "Coulson told me you'd asked after Jane's safety and that he'd told you they'd moved her shortly after Loki's arrival on Midgard. I figured you'd be too busy or too nervous to actually go see her, so you'd have Heimdall check up on her. Was I wrong?"

"No," Thor shook his head, grinning wryly. "No, you were exactly right. I didn't realize you knew me so well."

Cas shrugged. "I don't. But I've been spending a lot of time lately with people who do."

They spent the remaining distance to the observatory in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Only when they slowed to a stop outside the enormous golden dome did Cas speak. "Go," she told Thor, reigning Wynd to a stop. "I'll wait here for you. We have a couple things to discuss when you're done."

Thor studied her face for a long moment, searching. He had never been very good at determining lies from truth, especially when it came to his brother, or anyone who dealt with him. But, for some reason, he had, back in Frigga's chambers, been able to tell that Cas was lying about her relation with Loki. It made him wonder. How was she close with him, how had she gained such a level of trust between them?

When Loki's face had flickered with some emotion, Cas had twitched. She had not been looking at the man, her gaze had been on Thor. But she'd been able to tell, it had affected her. How had she been able to tell? And if they were so close, what did she know, what did they know?

Finally, he nodded. "Very well. I shouldn't be long."

Thor walked into the structure, leaving Cas on Wynd, wondering what he'd been trying to find in her face. Yes, she thought, he was definitely more perceptive than he was given credit for. Maybe not as much as she had tried to give him at one point, but a bit.

Yes, the witless oaf is perceptive, Loki told her sarcastically.

All I'm saying is Thor is more perceptive than you give him credit for, she told him. Perhaps not too much, but a bit.

A snort was the only answer he gave her.

Cas sighed, turning her attention to the horse below her. "I think he was better to you than to everyone else. Including me. Hmm?" She raised an eyebrow, but didn't really expect him to answer. Much to her surprise, Wynd tossed his head and snorted, shaking slightly. Recovering from her surprise, Cas smiled. "Nice to know someone agrees with me."

Oh please...

She laughed, but the smile turned upside down when the observatory began to spin, signalling the opening of the Bifrost. What was that about, what was going on in there? Cas pulled Wynd back from the building nervously. Loki, any idea what's going on?

None. Might want to wait and see what's going on when Thor gets back.

She sat there, waiting patiently while Wynd shifted, prancing about uneasily. "Easy, boy," she murmured. "It's alright, everything's alright. Surely you've been to this thing before, even traveled by it, right?"

Ten minutes passed, then another ten, all of which Cas spent nervously trying to sooth Wynd. In total, twenty minutes, which felt like hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, eons. At the end of those second ten, agonizingly long minutes, Thor emerged from the observatory, a young woman at his side. Jane Foster, Cas realized. The astrophysicist who had found him, introduced him to life on Midgard for about three days. And, at the same time, somehow captured his heart.

Great, she was romanticizing it already.

When Thor and Jane were even with her, ready to mount Thor's horse, Cas spoke. "Jane Foster. I've heard a lot about you."

"Who are you?" Jane asked, confused.

"That's right, you've probably never heard of me," Cas smiled. "I spent most of my life on Midgard up until a year ago though, so we're on pretty common ground. I'm Cassandra Winters, Frost Guardian. And I imagine Heimdall has already said this to you, but welcome to Asgard."

Jane smiled. "Thank you. It's amazing to be here."

Cas's smile widened. "Yes, that it is. I look forward to showing you around. Right after Thor explains to me what the heck just happened!"

She rounded on the Thunderer and he visibly gulped.

At least you aren't always so easy on him. Better than Odin about it at least, and everyone else in this realm.

His sarcasm made her smile. And it only made Thor more nervous.

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