Chapter 1: Changes

Start from the beginning

"If you're gonna be bending giant boulders, you can do it outside." Pema pitched in.

"No one is bending giant boulders!" Tenzin slammed his fists down on the table. I was annoyed.

"Hey, Uncle Bumi!" I said rather loudly as I flicked my chopstick right at him. He then caught it mid air with his new found air bending. My jaw flew open and so did everyone else's.

"Unbelievable, he's practically an air bender." Tenzin whispered.

"Wait till I tell Mom! She's gonna love this!" Bumi said as she dropped the chopstick.

The next morning, Bumi tried to air bend once again. Only he couldn't. "I can't figure this thing out!" He complained.

"Do you think being in the spirit world during Harmonic Convergence could have given him bending?" Korra asked.

"I suppose it's possible," Tenzin muttered.

"Maybe Uncle Bumi is just a late bloomer," Ikki said.

"I have been noticing a change in your aura lately," Kya added.

"And you didn't tell me?!" Bumi snapped. He kept trying to bend air. Lin Beifong and Mako had walked up to us.

"Invisible spirit monster attack?" Lin asked.

"Lin! You won't believe this! Bumi just started air bending!" Tenzin said. Lin and Mako gave each other a look before they turned back towards us.

"I'm afraid he's not the only one," she said.

"What?" We all said.

"I got a call last night about a guy who just started air bending out of nowhere." Mako informed.

"You mean there's another one?" Tenzin asked as he stepped closer towards them. "Where is he now?"

"He blew a door down on me and got away," Mako said. "We've got an all-points bulletin on him right now."

"Wait, we'll help you look for him. Where should we start?" Korra smiled.

"Oh, well, you should-you should leave it to the police. It's police business, you know. It's official." Mako said.

"Okay?" Korra raised her eyebrow at him confused. "How're you doing? You know you're welcome to stay here instead of sleeping at the police station."

"No, I-I'm fine." He grinned. "I should just get going. So, as you were, ladies." He saluted us and then walked off. We just looked at each other confused. What was that about?


I can dance again! Yes! I never felt so free to finally dance again in Republic City. Everything was the same again, well, except for the fact that there was spirits and vines all over the city.

I didn't mind that though. In fact, the spirits loved watching me dance. It even intrigued me to come up with a new dance along with ballet in it.

I thought it would be the greatest thing to ever come up with for me. It would be my new style, as I always liked trying new things.

I could add the dragonfly bunnies and all the other spirits. It was brilliant! All I had to do was work out the costumes and the songs. . .

It would need to be a whimsical feeling to make it fantasy like. And I knew just the thing!

Once my little dance was over, the audience clapped and placed money in the fedora that was laid on the ground. One in particular came walking up to me. One that I knew.

"Hey, weren't you the dancer at Councilman Tarrlok's party?" The boy asked. It was Mako.

"Yes, I believe you're Mako, correct?" I said giving him a smile.

"You remembered?" He asked as he looked at me curiously.

"I'm not one to forget," I continued to smile.

"And your name is Kola, right?" He asked. I laughed at that.

"No, it's Kala." I said and he laughed.

"Oh, okay. So I was at least a bit close." He said. I smiled at him genuinely.

"So do you dance, Mako?" I asked.

"Not really," he said.

"Oh? Well, that's okay. Maybe I can teach you sometime." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." He said. "Well, I better be heading off. Got important business to take care of. I'll see you around sometime!"

"Okay, see ya, Mako!" I gave a toothy grin as I waved my hand, my fingers twiddling in the process. He then froze in place as he looked at me suspiciously. What?

"Have I seen you somewhere before? You like kinda familiar to me. But, where?" He asked as he put his hand onto his chin thinking really hard. My face reddened. Oh no!

"Me? At the party, silly! Where else?" I laughed nervously before heading off into a distance at a top speed.

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