Chapter 2: In which I have a very bad morning

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I pulled the key out of the ignition looking at the car in front. The stupid idiot hadn't pulled far enough forward so now my back end was jutting out. I flipped the car off. This is just great- first I couldn't find my toaster this morning so I had to eat a greasy breakfast and now this. What else was going to happen?

I slammed my door shut. Pissed at everyone and anyone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket- looking at the time... I had a good 15 minutes before class started. I shoved my phone back into my pocket, and began to make my way to my first class of the day. Anthropology- since I had already got my credits for Psych. I decided that I would take this class for kicks. The awful thing was that it started at 9 in the morning.

I restrained from kicking the car and walked across the parking lot. Trying not to think of how much I wanted to strangle the driver. My phone beeped and I pulled it out almost running into a doorway as I looked down. Cussing as I dropped the phone, I checked to make sure it hadn't cracked and I glarred at the person who had decided to open a door without checking to see if someone was walking down the hallway. All I saw was a female wearing black and white running shorts and a grey shirt. With brown hair. I glarred at her, wanting to cuss her out for almost giving me a bloody nose.

I settled for flipping her off instead. I remembered the text and looked down to see Chelsea had texted me. I gritted my teeth, I had almost gotten a bloody nose and it was her fault as much as that woman's fault. I ignored the message, tempted to block her because of what she had almost caused. I shoved the phone back into my pocket, angrier then I had started this morning.

I walked into the class to look up and see the cause of my anger. A girl with brown hair wearing a grey shirt and the same shorts. It has got to be her.

Instead of walking right up to her and cussing her out. I decided to make sure she didn't bother me ever again.

"Are you going to be as annoying as you look?" I demanded, waiting for her to realize what she had done.

She just starred back at me, a look of confusion crossing her face.

She didn't realize! The b*tch didn't realize what she had done! Now I was pissed.

I kept starring waiting for her to realize, she opens her mouth to say something, maybe she realized I'm the one she almost hit with a door. I wait for the apology but instead she says,
"I don't know, are you?" The nerve of that girl, she probably knows exactly why I'm pissed at her just doesn't feel like apologizing. The b*tch!

I open my mouth, but she continues.
"Because so far I don't think I've done a single thing to deserve this sort of treatment from a complete stranger." I could almost hear the snear in her voice.

I scoff, she knows exactly what she did. Nothing huh? What a lying son of a b*tch! I take a deep breath but the way she's acting- "You! You and your species should just leave me the hell alone!" I pointed at her in anger, thinking back to Chelsea and her text.

I realized what I said sounded extremely misogynistic but at this moment I don't care. I wait for her to back down. Just as I'm about to leave her, she replies, "What do human's usually annoy you? I'm sorry that when I was born all the alien genes were taken." I'm startled by her gutsy response, but I want the last word.

"How original what did you get that off of twitter?" I almost start clapping obnoxiously but I hold back. For sure I had won, but she doesn't back down, "Nope tumblr. Now would you go away."

I blink, did she just? I can't even process what just happened. She won? How the hell did I let the stupid girl win? Oh this was just the icing on the cake.

I turn on my heel to walk away, done with her attitude but realize that the only seats left were close to her. I glare at the ceiling, clench my lips and throw my self into the chair diagonal to her, so I don't have to see the little jerk in my sight the whole hour. I'd rather not get distracted imagining chocking her the whole time.

I don't concentrate at all on what the professor is saying. My mind focused on each and every move the girl did. My hearing felt almost unnatural when I could tell when she took a breath and whcih pen scratching against paper was hers. The sound just got me more annoyed at her. When she decided to tap her foot, I had to restrain myself from getting up and chocking her. Every little sound, when she licked her lips, I clenched my jaw. Was she trying to annoy me. I've never been so intuned to one single person's actions. It was starting to really piss me off to.

I looked at my phone, only 20 more minutes of this. I tried to close my eyes, just block out my surrondings and it mostly worked except I could still hear her, I could almost see her in my mind, when she tapped her foot, when she licked her lips, its all I could see.

I tried to wash it out a trick that I'd learned when I was a hormonal teenager, I imagined a chalk board eraser glidding across the image everywhere it touched black replaced it. After four swipes the image was gone. But as soon it was gone, I heard her sigh, the image was back. Icussed mentally, wishing she would stop breathing. I repeated this two more times, before I almost spun in my seat and chocked her, but just as I was about to the proffessors states that the class is over. I let out a long breath, trying to let go of the anger. It somewhat works. As people slowly file out I decide to follow the girl, find out if maybe she's the headache of all of my problems.


I follow her outside the building to the student parking and watch in dismay as she unlocks the car infront. I knew it. She probably was the reason I had to eat a greasy breakfast too! As she digs around in her car, I watch, feeling weirded out by how much interaction I've had with someone I don't even know the name to.

As she pulls out a book I realize she plans to go study. I let out a sigh of relief thank god, she'll leave me be for the rest of the day. But just as she walks towards the road I realize that I want to continue to watch her. I shake my head and chalk it up to her being so annoying, I want to make sure she doesn't treat anyone else like she did to me.

I watch her leave and go to my car, my phone beeps in my pocket, I pull it out and once again see Chelsea's name on my screen. Can't she take a hint? I ignore the message again. I get in my car, turn the ignition on and head to my apartment.

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