I walked up to him. His back turned towards me. With every little strength i had i lifted my hand and tapped him slowly with my finger.
''H..hey Zac " i called him, i felt my heart tremble fast at just the sound of me saying his name out loud. I looked around as i spotted Austen from a far giving me thumbs up. Just what i needed right now.

Support from my best friend. I was nothing without him. I felt my heart beat in my eyes as I realised that i had now caught his attention.

"Yes'?" Zac replied turning around.

"Ermm.. Hi'' i said to him all shy and coy. I looked up to face him. And i swear my heart stopped beating for a second. Zac was gorgeous. No, beautiful i felt my cheeks turn red as I swallowed in his complexion. Perfect jaw structure. Hazel eyes. Brown scruffy hair and defined cheek line.

"Hey "he replied scratching the back of his head with confusion. Probably wondering who i was? No joke right there.

"Ermm ....iii ...ermm ..."i started to speak. Come on Abby just get it over with. I just had to get it out. My feelings for him haunted me (in a good way of course) but was the type of person who just had to get whatever was on mind over with. This was a straight up struggle but i would not be in good terms with my self if i backed out.

"What do you want?"he asked. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

He stood there looking gorgeous as hell whilst i looked like i was choking on air.

"Erm..i..i i just wanted to ask you...if you ever wanted to go out ..sometime?"i managed to say as i caught my breath straight after.

What? I couldn't just tell him i was madly in love with him and how i fantasised us being married with 5 kids right there and then could i?

Asking him out first was kind of the real deal.

I watched silently as i felt the eyes of his jockey friends burning into me. I waited for his reaction but i could not read his face until to my surprise burst out laughing really loud that all the students came out into the hallway.

"Im sorry what? "He mocked mercilessly. My face turned red as my hands began to shudder i quickly held them into a tight fist. I was completely in shock! Ok rejection was one thing but public humiliation?

"Sorry but i don't go to your nerd classes or clubs or whatever. Go ask someone out from there" he scoffed. Everyone giggled and laughed at his comment. I couldn't even look around at their faces thats how humiliated i felt. The last bit of courage i had had just evaporated. I was just a nerd that no one would date. Why did i bother? How could i be so stupid and let my stupid feelings get carried away with hope that maybe Zac and i had a chance. That maybe he could want me. A basic nobody!

Tears filled in my eyes as i held my fists tighter

Before i could endure anything else i turned the other way and ran off in the opposite direction. Without looking again at my mockery that I clearly put on myself.
I heard someone shout my name and it was Austen. I ignored him and continued running away from my misery. I ran all the way home before anyone else saw me. Before Austen could catch up to me.

I opened the lock to my house forcing the key in as it clicked open thankfully and i ran upstairs to my room. Luckily my parents weren't home to see me like this. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. I was a mess. I flung open the door and threw my bag and books and whatever else i had in my band on the floor and jumped on the bed and soaked the sheets with my tears.

I buried my face in my pillow. I suddenly didn't feel sad anymore but rather angry. Not with anyone else but myself. I even told myself i couldn't do it. What a joke i was? A now laughingstock. I couldn't even dare to go college tomorrow. But more importantly i felt like a loser and it hurt. I hated this feeling.

I hated being the laughing stock. I could not take this anymore. I would not let them get away with this. I felt my anger spread through my veins i could feel the scorching heat against my skin. I was buring with anger.

I suddenly heard footsteps. Completely forgetting that i had locked the door behind me.

"Abby are you ok?"I heard him say. I knew it was Austin straight away. He would never let me go through this alone. I felt him walk over to my bed and stroked me gently on my head.

"Hey Abs?" He half whispered gently.

I got up and threw my arms around him and buried my head in his chest. By now all the mascara had traveled down to my cheeks and stained the pillows.

"Hey shhh its okay don't cry, i just gave him a mouthful of my own. He will regret everything one day"he said stroking my hair gently caressing me as i began to calm down and felt comforted.

"He's a jerk Abs, he does not know what he's missing out on. Your the most incredible girl ever and he will realise that soon enough. Dont feel disheartened your amazing and so brave trust me" he said softly

My heavy breathing calmed down as i stopped crying by his reassuring words. He always knew what  to say at the right time.

I shut my eyes tightly as I tried to get the mental image of what just happened out of my head as i hugged him and tightened my grip around his neck. Soon I realised we were both in the most intimate position ever i pulled back.

I kept my gaze down. I couldn't even look at Austin as he began to stroke my face softly brushing his fingers against my cheek.

"It will all get better" he whispered. The thought of public humiliation haunting me down the corridors of college forever angered me even more.

"No it wont!" I yelled. Pushing his hand away from my face with irritation."Austin i cant take this anymore, i wont! Im so done with being the school loser. Nerd, joke i don't want to be like this anymore! I want to teach Zac a lesson now! He can't get away with it. Ill make sure! Ive had enough of boys like treating me and other girls like me like crap" i cried again. The tears fell after uncontrollably after my little sobs.

"Abby how exactly do you plan on doing that?"he asked as his eyes opened with bewilderment. Like he just saw a pot of gold. I knew he would be on this with me.

"I want to transform into a 'Girl' Austin, i want to be a girl like Chelsea "i said as I looked up at him and watched his facial expression.

All he did was give me a shocking expression.

"What? "he asked as he let out a little nervous laugh.

"Im being serious Austin, if i have to get him back then the only way i will if i become his 'type'" i said fully aware of what my motive was now. I smiled a little. Austin was a little dazed by my decision but it did not effect me

I had enough now. This was it! it was about time i did something about this! To do it for the girls like me out there. Who suffer silently by the hands of jerks like Zac. My feelings for him had effaced from the depths of heart. It was now filled with rage and vengeance.

It was time i would show people that be careful who you make fun of.

Especially Zac Anderson .

He better watch out!


Hey guys how did you like this chapter then?

It going great , sorry if its short.

Next chapter Austin pov

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