Purple as bravery

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It was at morning. I was sewing. Suddenly the guards told me I was called by King Raj.

Then I went to the living room. There was Zen and King Raj. "You told him didn't you?" he said.

"Told him what??"I asked. "About betraying me and becoming his follower" said him. "Hayayayaya" thought me.

"How dare you betray me! After all I did for you!" he said. "Yeah. To be your collection!" I screamed didn't care anything that will happen. "You slave everyone! Maids, the villagers, everyone! So now, I, Hayaka Mitsuki, say that you, King Raj are not a king for me!" I said.

"Guards, chop her head!" said King Raj then guards came by and surrounded my neck with sword. "Any last word?" he asked. "Great now you want last words from me" said me.

"Well then. I DON'T CARE IF YOU WANT TO KILL ME." I give him a death glare. "I don't care you'll be laughing seeing me dying. I don't care anymore. Because you're just a cheak king!" said me. He was preety scared.

"Chop her!" he command. But then Zen punched the soldiers and protect me by hiding me behind him. "You know I can do this, right?" he said. And the clumsy King Raj drop.

"Let her go, or I'll kill you" said him. "Al...al....al..right. But you cannot bring your sewing things" said King Raj. Then I grab a needle(I always brought my needle) "Say what?" said me holding the needle infront his eyes. "O....okay you can brought it" said King Raj. "Thankyou" said me. Then I went to my room getting my needles and other sewing stuff into my rose box. "I'm ready" said me to Zen.

"That was crazy!" said Zen. "I thought you were just standing there so I just calm down" said me. "You sure are brave. You even almost pop out his eye" said Zen.I laugh. "A purple girl that means brave" said Zen playing with my hair.

"Hey you'll ruin my pony tail!" said me.

Mitsuki's hair is pony tailed

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