Chapter 35- So... there is such thing as a Immortal? Damn, I lost the bet.

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Kakashi held up his bandaged right arm. "Yup, Naruto dosen't need me around anymore. So, I left him with another captain."

Team ten smiled, Shikamaru looked amused. "Naruto..." They looked at me. "Thinking about that, Yuki, weren't you doing the same thing?"

I smiled, "I got it down, well most of it anyway. I'll have to modify it later."

Kakashi smiled, "Alright, Team Asuma, ready to go?"

"Yeah!" Ino and Choji shouted.

I looked at Tsunade, she still looked worried as they started walking. "Don't worry, Granny." She looked at me. "I'll make sure everyone makes it back. Besides, there is two medic nin's on this team." She nodded, seeming a little more reasured.

I turned to catch up with everyone, barely catching her works. "Good luck Yuki..."

"Let's hear your plan first, Shikamaru." Kakashi said as we all sat in a clearing.

"Sure, I'll just have to change it up a little for you, Kakashi sensei." Shikamaru said.

"Right. Whenever you're ready." Kakashi nodded.

"I'll break it down into several different scenarios and explain each one. Things will vary depending on what happens, so I need you to remember them all." Shikamaru looked at all of us, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer, almost like he expected me to forget the plans.

"Here Kakashi sensei, take this. Use it when you see an opening. I'm counting on you." Shikamaru handed Kakashi the small object. I sat beside Kakashi, a slight pout on my face.

"Got it." Kakashi nodded. "I've gotta hand it to you. You've learned quite a deal about the enemy  for having only encountered them once.

"There's still a lot we don't know about the other one, unfortunately." Shikamaru sighed.

"Are you sure one of them is immortal?" I asked.

Shikamaru sighed, looking at me. "Yes, Yuki. How else could he have his head cut off and still be alive?"

I huffed, "Damn it, that means I lost the bet with Naruto-kun. And here I was, thinking that I could make him pay for all the food I would eat."

Ino snickered beside me, "Oh yeah, didn't you say that if you lost the bet that you would let Naruto kiss you."

I nodded, "Yeah, but if I had won the bet, then he would have paid for a meal at Ichiraku's." I sighed, "Oh well."

"Yuki, Ino, focus." Shikamaru interrupted. "Yuki, don't forget the strategies I told you about, it's based on the information that I've gathered."

I nodded, slightly embarrassed since I knew I was very likely to forget. While I was smart, or so I've been told, I seem to have a hard time remembering things.

"Our probability of success depends on whether or not you commit these to memory." Shikamaru said.

"Okay," Ino muttered while Choji and I nodded.

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