"I have no idea". It was true, I had no clue what I would say or do until I saw him and the ring in person.

"Just keep your job in mind. You don't want to miss out on this big touring opportunity over some prick" she kindly reminded me. She was only trying to help, but for some reason this raised a whole new level of anger within me. Not only was he screwing with me, but he was also screwing with my career. "Do you want me to come in with you?" she pulled up in front of the MTV building, right in the center of New York City.

"Just wait here I'll be quick. Trust me".

I jumped out of the car and nearly made it through the door. "Cassie!" I speedily turned on my heels at the mention of my name and saw Jordan leaning out of the passenger side window. "Give that fucker a piece of your mind" she gave me an encouraging thumbs up.

Once I'd entered the establishment I spotted Proof standing by the reception desk waiting for me, "Hey". He instantly sensed my furious state and his smile dropped. "Woah woah, what's going on?" he warily approached me.

"Has Marshall finished filming?" I got straight to the point, no niceties involved.

"Umm, yeah he's in the-"

"I need to see him right now".

"Why? I dunno if I should show you where he is, you seem...mad" he side-eyed me cautiously.

"Proof, it's urgent. Show me where he is or I'll call Paul" I threatened.

" Nah, follow me". He led me down what seemed to be a maze of winding corridors, the anticipation was now killing me. My mind couldn't help but to wander thinking of what an idiot I would feel like if he was just wearing a normal ring, but I was certain that wasn't the case. Proof opened the door to a dressing room and stood behind allowing me to enter the room first. Thankfully only Marshall was in the room, giving me full permission to find out everything I needed to. He looked up from a document he was reading with a bewildered look on his face.

"Cassie? I thought you weren't coming" he stood up and extended his arms to give me a hug, but I pushed hard against his chest causing him to stumble slightly. Instead I hastily grabbed at his left hand and inspected it. As I predicted a shiny unwanted metal band wrapped it's self around his ring finger.

"What the fuck is this?" I spat at him, dropping his hand in disgust. He seemed lost for words glancing at Proof for assistance, unable to make sense of the confrontation. "Huh?" I was doing everything in my power not to yell at him, my heart was thumping uncontrollably in my chest trying to escape.

"Look it's not what it seems-"

"Don't you dare give me that bullshit excuse! I told you when we first met, you have to be honest with me! When were you going to tell me? If ever?" he opened his mouth to respond but I didn't let him. My voice began to raise as I became more and more riled up to the point I was shouting. "I don't get involved with cheating. I've been cheated on and I vowed I would never tolerate it again". Marshall tried to interrupt again, but I wasn't finished yet. "We don't really know each other so I don't even care that it was with me, I just feel for your poor wife! Does she know that she is married to such a dirty-"

"Will you shut the fuck up for one second?" Marshall yelled in exasperation.

"Don't speak to me like that" I raised my finger and pointed at him, firmly warning him.

"Just, let me say my piece!" reluctantly I stayed quiet. "Me and Kim, my ex-wife, we're not actually married anymore".

"Then why the fuck are you still wearing your ring?"

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