Territory Report

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"I can defend myself father," I complained, slouching back in my chair.

"I don't doubt that you can, but he could be bigger and stronger than you."

"Lighten up Skylar, you normally do your patrol with Will anyway," Jake pointed out.

I sighed, defeated, "I know. "

"Then it's settled. David and Harry, you can do the north border. Skylar, Jake and Will, you guys run the south border. Craig and I will take the east and west. If you smell him, howl and wait for me."

"And don't try to take him on alone," said Craig with a pointed look at Jake.

"What?" he said innocently, "I'd never do such a thing."

William chuckled, "Yeah and i'm a bunny rabbit."

"Bunnies make nice snacks," I said with a sly smile and Will pretended to quiver in fear. With a contented sigh I pushed away from the table and stretched, "Are we done here?"

"Why, where do you think your going?" My father's scowl had returned to his face as he regarded me.

"For a morning run like I usually do," I answered with a growl, "Or am I not allowed to do that as well?"

Will interjected before my father had the chance to say anything, "I'll go with her. She won't be alone."

"I'll go too," said Jake as he got to his feet.

I laughed, "You'll never be able to keep up."

Jake raised an eyebrow at me, "Those are big words for such a small wolf."

"Bring it on you brute."

My father waved us out the door and we scarpered before Miriam could rope us into helping with the dishes.

I pulled in a lung full of crisp forest air as soon as we got outside. I hated being indoors, it felt like being in a prison.

"So what do you think about having a potential new packmate?" asked Will as we stepped under the welcoming canopy of the forest. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It doesn't really matter, as long as he doesn't try to hump my leg."

Jake chuckled, "You women. Thinking you're so special."

William pretended to be shocked, "Haven't you heard? She's the only female werewolf in this country."

The two guys fell into fits of laughter and earned themselves a punch in the shoulder.

"You two are idiots," I said after giving them both their well deserved punch. Jake tried to hide the fact that he was still laughing but failed miserably.

I rolled my eyes and walked into a small clearing surrounded by bushes to change. William sauntered in after me just as I had my top over my head.

"Do you mind? Trying to get undressed here!"

"Shut up Skylar," he said with a smile. He grabbed my arms and pulled me into a kiss.

I broke away from him, my hands on his chest, "You do know Jake could come at any moment?"

He seemed to consider this for a moment then stepped back with a grin, "Do you think the Beta would tell on us to your father?"

I laughed, "Knowing Jake? Probably not."

William and I weren't mates. We didn't have the special connection true mates had. When I was seventeen I had thought he was, but when we kissed the bond didn't form although we really wanted it to. So from then on he had been my best friend and flanker, until one night a few months ago when we both had had too much to drink. Now we had a friends with benefits relationship.

I pushed Will out of my clearing so I could change form and blew him a kiss as I slid from his veiw.

I continued to undress until I was knelt on the ground wearing nothing but my skin. Closing my eyes and concentrating I felt my skin start to prickle and shift. The bones in my legs and arms popped causing me to grit my teeth against the pain. I watched as my fingers shortened and claws pushed through my skin. The vertebrae in my back cracked as they shifted and lengthened, protruding just above my butt to make my tail. I dug my claws into the ground as my jaw became a muzzle and my ears moved to the top of my head, becoming pointed wolf ears. A whimper escaped my jaws as my wolf teeth pushed through my gums, replacing my human teeth.

As my fur sprouted I fell onto my flank panting for air. The change was excruciating but you learned to handle it otherwise it would drive you to either stay human or stay wolf.

A tan wolf pushed into my clearing to check on me. He let out a short bark, and I snorted in reply climbing to my feet. He opened his jaws, his upper lip pulling over his teeth and his tongue hanging out in a strange wolfy smile. I sauntered over and batted his muzzle with my paw, my way of telling him to stop being so goofy. He was a whole foot taller than me, really huge for a wolf. One bite from Jake and it would be lights out for me. He snapped his jaws closed as if to remind me but his green eyes sparkled with humour.

William pushed through the bushes and keened, letting us know he wanted to get going. His dark brown fur helped him blend into the forest which helped make him the excellent hunter we knew and loved.

I pricked my ears up and bounced on the spot, eager for a lengthy run.

And run we did. Right into trouble.

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