"Head to the fucking big box stores. Shit, I hate shopping there, but it's the only fucking place I can think off since we have to keep it low key," he replied knowing that he had now peaked their interest even higher. "Sucks to be you assholes," he thought to himself as he plastered a big shit eating grin on his face.


"We're here Gabe. So which store?" Kota asked. He had been patient throughout the trip having spent it counting, but now his patience was starting to run out. He didn't like being kept in the dark by his family because then he couldn't do anything to help them.

"There. Pull into the fucking ToysRUs store," Gabe announced giving Victor a 2 second warning that he needed to turn.

"Thanks for the warning, Gabe," Victor muttered knowing that he would lose it if he spoke any louder. The shit eating grin that Gabe had had on his face for the whole drive made Victor feel like Gabe was mocking him. Add that to his pre-concert stress and Victor was just barley keeping his emotions in check.

Victor pulled into a parking spot close to the doors and the four of them got out of the car.

Nathan looked around him, wondering what the hell they were doing at a ToysRUs. It didn't make any sense considering the fact that he thought that Gabe was going to faint and then get sick when he had been talking to Mr. B. Gabe wouldn't have reacted that way to being told that he had to go shopping at one of his and Luke's favourite stores.

"We're shopping here for Mr. B?" Nate questioned.

Making sure to look each of the guys in the eyes, Gabe grinned as he proudly proclaimed, "No. We are fucking shopping at fucking BabiesRUs."

He started to laugh at the looks of horror that came across the boys faces. He was laughing so hard that he had tears coming out of his eyes. How he wished that Luke had been here to video their reaction. He could see Victor's eyes bugging out of his head as his face turned white. Nathan's face nearly matched his hair colour and his hands were balling into fists. Kota's mouth was hanging open and his eyes were almost as large as his mouth.

Just as Gabe thought that he was going to collapse from laughing he was rudely stopped when he heard what Nathan was saying.

"Mr. B asked you to buy baby stuff? Why would he do that? You don't think that...no!...it can't be! You fuckers had better not have gotten my honey pregnant!" Nathan yelled as he glared at each one of the boys.

Hearing Nathan's yell stopped each one of them in their tracks. What he said couldn't be true, could it? Could Sang really be pregnant? Who was the father? Was it one of them? Was that why they were stuck buying the baby items? If so, than Nathan couldn't be the father since he was only added when he didn't have a ride for later. These were just some of the thoughts that started to swirl through their heads as they realized the implications of having to purchase baby items for Mr. B.

Gabe, who had looked sick before while on the phone, could no longer remain upright and sunk to sit on the ground. He put his head in his hands pulling aggressively on his hair and started rocking back and forth as if he was having a panic attack. "It couldn't be," he mumbled, "we only did it that one time and I was sure we used protection. I'm not ready to be a father. I can't be one yet."

Victor just stared at Nathan. He couldn't remove his eyes for the angry tension that was running through Nate's body. He could see Nate's fists clenched tightly and his legs coiled to spring the minute he figured out which one of them had gotten Princess pregnant. His Princess couldn't be pregnant, at least not by him. They were always so careful every time since neither one of them were ready to be parents. He knew that his parents would have made Sang's life hell if she ever got pregnant which was why they always used a condom even though she had gotten an implant. He knew that, as smart as she was, she would probably have been just as careful with the others. "No, it can't be. Princess, can't be pregnant," he protested.

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