The Heart

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In life people reach for things,
and many there are.
You could reach for the stars,
or reach for Mars.
You reach for the clouds,
or a musical sound.
But I reach for something that is far more pure,
For I do not reach for a beautiful sound,
nor for fluffy white clouds.
Not for planet Mars,
not even the brightest star.
None of these things had the certain spark,
for I reach for the heart.
The heart is the soul of our body,
which can not be re-written.
Things from the heart are our soul purpose,
and in turn we reach for these things in life.
But never make them forgotten,
or you shall never feel forgiven.

This was just a poem I wrote when I was younger that I wrote for my sister to put on her 18th birthday card. Although I have edited it a bit since then.

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