Chapter 36 - Family bonds

Start from the beginning

" that your parents are here..."

I huffed, nuzzling under his throat as I frowned slightly. Somehow, I was comfortable enough to refer to Quinton as my dad, as he had no part of what happened. But Audrey... I don't know.

"You don't have to forgive at this very moment Zayne. Both of you went through too much. She's your mother, but at the moment, she's not our mom." My wolf whispered softly, making me curl up against Marcus as I whined.

Family is confusing!

---Marcus' POV---

I chuckled, hands brushing gently over Zayne's arm as Wyatt threw a soft fleece blanket over his body. The medicine were making the little Omega drowsy and combined with the exhaustion of his head and the drama with his parents, Zayne was out cold.

Eyes flitting upwards, I felt my smile drop as I focused on our Alpha. "When is the execution? Anton deserves to die in the cruelest way possible." Lee nodded, scratching uncomfortably at the back of his neck while he glanced in the direction that Quinton disappeared.

"A few days, give or take. Packs had to sent representatives, some Alphas even agreed to journey over to watch and participate. Everyone was horrified to learn what happened to Zayne and the rest of his pack... Nobody wants to make the same mistake again."

My body slowly relaxed at that. I too wanted a piece of Anton and my wolf snarled at the thought, eager to sink its teeth into the vicious Alpha. But I had a feeling that Quinton was going to participate as well and shred Anton to pieces before anyone else got a shot.

"You think your brother is capable of killing Anton on his own?" I questioned, lowering my voice as Zayne's brows furrowed before he buried his face against my collarbone with a sleepy grunt.

Lee gave me an incredulous look before he scoffed. "Are you kidding me? As soon as I told him the truth, showed him the memories we saw through Zayne... I almost pissed myself and I've known him for years. I've never seen him that angry before."

I nodded, understanding what he meant. Quinton was the definition of a gentle giant, who wouldn't hurt a fly. But mess with his family and offspring, and you'd wake the monster.

"Demons run when a good man goes to war..."Mike murmured from his position from Terrance's lap before his eyes widened. "Holly shit...that poem fits everything happening so far!"

When nobody really responded except with confused glances, the boy crossed his arms with a scoff. "Seriously, none of you watched Doctor Who? You guys suck."

Terrance squeezed the boy's hip softly before drawling, "Well, what was this oh so famous poem then?"

Mike shot his mate a playful glare, before tapping his fingers against his knee. He looked thoughtful for a moment before he recounted, "Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and the sun will drown, when a good man goes to war.

Friendship dies and true love lies, Night will fall and the Dark will rise when a good man goes to war. Demons run, but count the cost. The fight is won, but the child is lost."

The whole room was silenced, not a breath or whimper heard. It did sound as if the poem was written based on what happened. I could see why Mike found it so fitting for the situation.

Ever the tactless one, Terrance chuckled before patting his mate's knee. "Nice poem darling but I doubt it has anything to do with all this. Now, let's just relax and watch a movie, unless someone else wants to take the spotlight?"

Mike wacked Terrance in the arm, causing the grown man to whine like a kid as they bickered but both quieted down as Alice cleared her throat with a shy yet hopeful grin.

"Well, since everyone is sharing, there is in fact something I'd like to say..." She glanced at Logan, who frowned slightly as she leaned closer. At first he seemed confused, but as he inhaled, he suddenly paused, faceplanting against her throat and inhaled deeply.

I grinned as he slowly leaned back, eyes shocked and a slow smile slipping on his face. "You're shitting me... are you.... Really?!" Alice nodded, happy tears slipping from her cheeks. "I'm pregnant."

Zayne starled awake in my lap as Logan bounced up, howling from the top of his lungs. "Yeah! My boys can swim baby! My boys can swim! Dayum! I'm gonna be a daddy! And you're gonna be a mom! Oh my god, wow, a dad..."

He dropped on his knees in front of his mate, nuzzling her stomach through her shirt, growling happily. And just like that, the tension in the air dissipated as the big, hulking Logan started sobbing in joy while rubbing his cheeks over Alice's stomach.

She didn't laugh at his tears or even made a notion of them. Instead, she simply comber her fingers through his hair, smiling as everyone congratulated the couple on the good news.

"What wrong?" Zayne asked sleepily, yawning halfway through. I grinned and shook my head, placing a tender kiss on my mate's forehead.

"Nothing is wrong darling. Everything is...perfect. Things are finally looking up." He didn't seem to understand but smiled sleepily, yawning again before he cuddled closer and slipped back into his slumber.

I noticed everyone slowly slipping out of the room to give Logan and Alice some privacy. Standing up, I followed their lead and slowly made it back to our room, where I tucked Zayne into bed and cuddled up behind him.

We might as well sleep in today...the next few days were going to be hectic. And I was quite certain that none of us were going to miss out on Anton's execution.

My wolf let one last sleepy snarl before we succumbed to sleep, joining our lovely mate in the land of dreams. We would deal with Anton when the time comes. But for now, I just wanted to relax and cater to Zayne's ever need and urge.

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