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Richard, Paul and a ticklish kiss


Written for the following prompt left on tumblr's otpprompts -Imagine person A of your OTP trying to be sexy and kissing down person B's neck, only to find out that B is extremely ticklish.

Richard shivered slightly as he padded into the living area of the apartment he shared with Paul; even though they'd turned the central heating on, it was doing little to push the chill of the evening away. Outside, the sky was a grey one, with clouds heavy and low stretching in all directions; rain lashed equally grey Berlin streets and puddles had long since started to form against the pavements. Droplets slashed against the window in a steady drumming cadence, and the noise provided an oddly disconcerting counterpoint to the otherwise companionable silence in the apartment.

He settled beside Paul on the couch, and draped the blanket that he'd brought from the bedroom over them both; the blanket itself was almost ridiculously fluffy, yet Richard knew it to be warm and comfortably cosy. Paul smiled when he felt the soft fabric settling over him; his eyes had previously been closed. Richard had thought that the other man had been asleep; he wondered if perhaps he'd just been dozing. He settled beside Paul, and tried to make himself a little more comfortable, body fidgeting against the cushions until he'd found a position that felt right.

Paul had woken a little more, sleepy eyes halfway open and staring drowsily at nothing; his hand had settled upon Richard's knee beneath the blanket, thumb rubbing gently, soothingly against him. Richard huffed and leant in, before he pressed a kiss against Paul's cheek, and settled in a little more closely against the other man's body.

Paul closed his eyes again, and rested his head against the back of the sofa; Richard watched him for a while, watched the lines of Paul's face soften out in relaxed lines. He smiled; he had the sudden urge to lean forward, to press an impromptu kiss against Paul's mouth, to dot more against Paul's closed eyes, despite the fact that he suspected the other man would never know what happened, if he truly had fallen properly asleep.

"I know you're staring at me, Reesh," Paul suddenly muttered, proving that he hadn't been asleep all along.

His mouth curled slightly at the corners, in a slight smile that was genuine and warm despite his still closed eyed state.

"Am not," Richard said, even as his gaze still rested upon Paul's face, tracing curving lines over the other man's face, as if committing every single last detail to memory.

Paul's eye cracked open and impaled Richard with an amused one-eyed glare, warm smile soon turning into a knowing, triumphant one.

"Told you," Paul said, glad for the fact that Richard at least had the decency to look embarrassed.

"Sorry," Richard replied, although quite what he was sorry for, he wasn't entirely sure.

Neither did Paul, apparently, for a confused expression crossed his face, lips puckered with that emotion.

"For what?" he asked. "For staring? Being creepy? What?"

"I am not creepy," Richard objected, immediately.

"But you don't deny the fact that you were staring," Paul countered, with a chuckle.

"Well? Why shouldn't I stare?" Richard asked, with more challenge in his tone than he'd anticipated. "I can stare all I want; I like looking at you."

"I'm going to choose to take that as a compliment," Paul murmured, as he rested his head back against the sofa again.

Richard huffed, but he couldn't think of anything further to say; Paul also remained silent, yet his eyes remained steadfastly open as he stared up at the ceiling. Richard huffed again, more for the fact that he didn't know what else to do than through any true loss of words. Paul smiled again, but didn't speak nor take his eyes from the ceiling.

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