Sunagakure: The Village Hidden in the Sand

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HELLO IT'S ME, ANIMALnaruto. So standard disclaimer: I do not own anything other than the plot and if I accidentally stole your plot or if you realize I stole a plot please tell me. I really hope you like this. P.s. this is about a year and 3/4 after the prologue so Sakura is around 5 about to turn 6. She will turn 6 in maybe 3 weeks story time. Now please enjoy.

"Sakura, dear, we are almost to Suna," a tired women named Emi told her daughter, Sakura.

"Ok, Okaa-san. I just don't get why we have to move a lot," came the quiet, tried voice of Sakura. Her mother and father exchange a sad glance, because their daughter is still slightly traumatized by seeing her clan kill and be killed. After a few minutes the small family were able to see the great hidden village. 'Finally, I can see the village,' Sakura thinks.

' Yes, finally, but I still think you should of asked your parents to carry you instead of walking. It's tired you out,' said a voice inside of Sakura's head. This 'voice' appeared not long after the massacre, shocking Sakura. When Sakura had asked the voice it's name it said nothing for a little while then said for Sakura to just call her Inner. Inner had comforted Sakura when her parents couldn't and taught her a few things.

Sakura replied,' But they are tired, too. It's fine, plus it also makes me strong right. Also if your my Inner wouldn't you be me so why don't you say us or our instead of you and your.' Sometimes Inner curses Sakura for her intelligence and Inner curses herself for teaching her some stuff. Inner just makes a sound. Soon they reach the entrance of the village and Sakura's parents show the guards their passes and they quickly head in.

Emi asks," So Aki were should we stay? We could stay at the Sand Inn or the Sand Hotel. ( Sorry I couldn't think of anything better)?"

Aki just says, "Let Sakura decide." So Sakura's parents turn to her looking at her expectantly.

"The Sand Inn," says the small pink-haired child. The family headed to the inn and got a room. Sakura sitting on her bed and starting out the window didn't hear her mom until she sat beside her.

"Sakura, how about you and me go down to the park so you can play a little," Emi suggests.

Sakura perking up a little smiles at her mom and say excitedly, "Really, let's go!" Sakura , skipping a bit, and her mom head over to the park which surprisingly right across the street. Sakura looking around sees a red-haired boy around her age sitting alone in a sandbox looking a little sad. She looks around and sees that all of the kids are ignoring except to send scared and hateful glares at him. The same goes for a the parents watching their kids. ' Why is everyone acting scared yet mad at him? He's not doing anything I mean if anything he looks sad and lonely,' Sakura thinks. Not hearing anything from Inner, who Sakura thinks is asleep, steels her resolve and walks over to the boy. Ignoring all the shocked glances everyone gives her she stops in front of the boy, who appears not to realize that someone is walking up to him. "Hi," Sakura says shyly and quietly. The boy looks up with shock and fear evident in his eyes. Sakura just merely smiles and sits down across from him in the sandbox .

The boy asks quietly almost fearfully, "Aren't you scared? Why aren't you glaring at me? Aren't you going to yell at me? Aren't you going to call me a monster? Did Father set this up so someone can kill me? Are you going to kill me?" Sakura looks at him surprised and thinks back to her family killing people and people killing her family.

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