Chapter 01: Drop Out

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~ Caitlin's Point Of View ~

"Kitty don't you even dare touch that fire cracker or I swear to go i'll-"

The end of the string sizzled and the Bee fire work shot upwards, making me duck under the table as there was a loud thunderous crack and I peeked out to see yellow twinkle downwards from the sky before disappearing. 

Quickly I crawled out from under the table to make a run for it but instead I came face to face with my friend.... crud.

"What did I say about setting off fire work's on the Apartment building's roof?" her arms were firmly crossed across her chest while her right foot tapped on the ground - and her stare would make Death himself shake in his black robe before he pissed himself.

"Not to do it?" I asked her innocently.

"And what did you just do?"

"Set a brilliant - I uh mean a terrible, terrible fire cracker off" 

"Right - no tv time for you for a week!" 

I groaned as she dragged me towards the door and then down the stairs and out into the hallway that then led to our apartment.

She let me go before she glares at me, "Now why the hell aren't you in Uni?" she growls - always the over protective friend, always a buzz kill when i'm trying to see if I can evade the cops by setting fire works off in their station.

"Because I mmmdksadmnflskdn" I mumbled, trying to look any where but her as I spotted a cup stain on the bench - oh, a distraction. I quickly tried to get away from her to clean the kitchen bench but she grabbed the back of my hood and yanked me back to her.

"What was that Caitlin?" 

"I dropped out - okay?!" 

"No - that's not okay!" she screams at me and I groaned, I knew this was coming.

"I don't see what the big fuss is about, I have a stable job that will last and I have a promising career-"

"You work in an old dusty music store!" Chloe shrieks - well, she has always disliked the music store down the corner - "How can you give up a career of being  a lawyer to stay in a dusty, run-down music store for the rest of your life - or until it closes down because of the health violations?!" she roars as I hurried away from her.

"Being a lawyer is what my dad wanted - I don't want that Chloe-"

"No, you want to be a music producer" she spat at me while I tried not to show her any hurt or struggle as I continued to hurry away, "Oh wait no - that was last week's dream, this week it's being a DJ!"

"What's wrong with dreaming?! I will get their one day-"

"No you're not! Getting into anything with music or anything else is one in a billion chance!"

"And I don't have a chance?" I asked her blankly.


Scowling at her I crossed my arm's over my chest and gave her a steady glare, "It's my life Chloe, I can do what I want and you know what? I'm going to prove you wrong-"

"My god! How stupid do you have to be?!" she screams at me.

"You know the more you scream and yell is giving me doubt about our friendship-"

"UGH! I became you're friend out of pity alright?! You had none to begin with - you were always alone! Now shut up and go back to UNI!" she screams.

I tensed - I knew it, I always did really... I always just pushed my doubts away.

She stops for a second and her eyes widened, "No - I didn't mean-" I slammed my bedroom door in her face and locked it. Staring at the door before my eyes narrowed I turned and stared around the room that had clothes thrown everywhere, cd stacks as tall as my waist, books the same as the cd's, my un made bed with my doona scrunched up in the middle of my bed with my laptop and pillow doing the same, my closet had nothing in it, posters and pictures were stuck to the wall and you wouldn't even know there was an poster behind the My Chemical Romance poster.

Pulling my phone out I dialed my bosses number, "Hello?"

"Hey Arnie, I was wondering if that apartment above the store is still up for grabs?"

"Of course it is... do you want it?"

"If I could"

"You can come by today and move in if you want..."

"That be awesome"

"Come by when you're ready" he says happily before hanging up.

I dived under my bed, fighting clothes and food wrappers the whole time as I tried to pull my suit case out from under the bed and threw it onto the bed.

I grabbed some articles of clothing and went into my bathroom and showered and put a dark blue long sleeved shirt on that had silver stripes on it, dark blue jeans and black converse. I pulled what little was in my bathroom out and stuffed it all into a make up bag and then went out into my trashed room.

Instantly I started to collect my clothes and fold them while stuffing them into the suit case neatly and tightly so I could fit more stuff in there. 

Chloe didn't bang on the door, she didn't even try to see if I was 'Okay', which just shows me I should be getting my stuff and getting out. She always did put everything I said down, she wouldn't hear about my dreams or what I like, she always made sure I was like her - a perfect little daddy's girl.

Zipping my large bulging black suit case up I then grabbed a black duffel bag and put my cd's and books into it - and spent around twenty minutes trying to shut the damn thing. Next was my back pack, my laptop, charges, some pictures and a few other thing's was put in there and I was ready to go.

Looking around the room at the posters that still stayed stuck to the walls and my bed I nodded to myself before I grabbed everything and dragged it out of the room, collecting the thing's that were in the lounge and kitchen as I walked past and then dragged my gear out of the lifeless apartment and into the elevator.

Waiting for the elevator doors to go ding I stared at my converse as the ding echoed around the small metal room and I grabbed my bags.

I passed a brown haired guy who looked extremely nervous and I gave him a glance while we bumped shoulder and I exited the elevator while he entered it. I continued to walk away from him and through the lobby until I turned and looked over my shoulder, something was tugging in the back of my mind to do so.

Our eyes connected as the doors began to shut and his eyes immediately widened and he stepped forward, his mouth opening as he looked like he was about to yell or say something - but the door's shut so I never got the chance to hear anything from the odd pale, curly haired boy.

Shrugging I continued walking out of my apartment building while dragging my stuff behind me, down the street and to the music store where Arnie waited.

"Hey man, wassup?"

"I might have gotten some pizza stuck on the roof again" we both looked up to see a pizza slice successfully stuck to the roof.

"... Good job man" I chuckled and he grinned at me.

"Master key is this one," he waved the silver key in front of me before he put it in my mouth, "And that gets you into your apartment above, so get your ass into gear and start unpacking. You may have today off but I want my pizza buddy to go out for dinner"

Nodding I hurried to the back of the store, opened the door after a few moments of awkward fumbling and then slowly walked up the stair case, my suit case and duffel bag banging with each dusty step it hit.

Getting up to the apartment I unlocked the door and stopped dead in my tracks as I stared at the empty apartment....

I guess I need to buy some furniture.

Dumping my stuff in the middle of the room I looked into the kitchen that was to the right, then to the bathroom and then to the room where I decided my bedroom was going to be.

"Great, now that's done - let's go eat some pizza" I clapped my hands together and walked out of my new bare, dusty and odd smelling apartment and down the stairs - completely over the moon of not having to deal with any annoying room mates that hate my music tastes and my habits, this is a new start to everything isn't it?

This is going to be one brilliant adventure - I just can't wait.

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