CHAPTER 2-The Bet!!..!!"

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Yes reactionless!! Manik Malhotra?..Why me!! What the hell was he doing here...No..Please No he can't be My Tutor!! Damn!!... I looked up with a poker face... Haven't you had enough of today's tragic show of my life!!...Why me!! I was doing my part of complaining with the almighty when that Arrogant Nerd..broke my trance!! 

Manik-"So apart from bitching and Public tamasha Our Fancy doll knows to pray too..well I'm impressed!!" He said with a smirk!! I looked at him with a poker face... But he just bent towards me and said...
Manik-"Fancy need those prayers"...he stood straight again and winked at me!! people who said that nerds Geeks don't have attitude, please die peacefully!!
Manik-"So Ms.Fancy doll any special greetings for your tutor? "
He crossed his arms over his White T-shirt... But at that moment the fact that he was calling me Fancy Doll was annoying me..!!
Me-"Will you stop calling me arrogant nerd!!" 
Manik-"Hmm..Arrogant nerd huh..thats what you would call your tutor..Good"... He went and took a seat on the table behind... Tutor my foot!! I too went and took a seat opposite him!!
Me-"I am not going to learn from you!!"
Manik-"Ms. I'm afraid all you have is Me!!" fuck!!..He was right!!..
Manik-"So tell me about your studies!!"
Me-"I'm failing literature!!" I said with a gummfy face!!
Manik-"hmm..only if you would had concentrated more on it, rather than bitching and participating in public dramas you wouldn't have been here!!" He said in a strong tone!! Yes he was right...I had been more involved in the social part...and damn he knows about the Public tamashaa!!..Like seriously!!..Aah...but thankfully Aryaan was not in college this week as he had to go for a soccer match and there would be no more tamasha!! But wait this Nerd sitting in front of me is sexy..Nandini Murthy shut up..but yeah he can't lecture me...!!
Me-"Are you here to lecture me??"

 Manik-"No I really want to help you"... Aww..that sounded nice!!
 Manik-"...fancy doll!!" 
Me-"You arrogant nerd!!"... I said glaring at him..which only made him chuckle!! 

Manik-" tell me from when to start??" I thought for a while and answered... 

Manik-"Tomorrow..okay 11 am, my place..I'll text you my address!!"

 Me-"And why do you think I'll come at your place??" He got up and took his book from the table...
Manik-"Because you need me"...saying that he left...not before winking at me!! 

And I continued my list..
Soha's bitching!!
Aryan's Public tamasha
Principle khusad..
Tutor Arrogant nerd!!
Way to go Nandini Murthy!! With that I got up taking my hand bag and walked out!! As soon I came out of the libary I got a text from an unknown Number I opened it and there was an Address with name below... Arrogant Nerd!! I smiled seeing that and saved his number with the same name..I wonder from where he got my number... But before that I was greeted by my best friend!!
Mukti -"So how was it??"
Mukti -"hmm..let's go!!" With that we walked towards the parking lot... 

Mukti-"actually there is something even more bad.." She said keeping her hands in her short pockets walking beside me..I looked at her...
Mukti-"Your break up video is kind of viral in college!!" I sighed!!
Me-"Who cares!!" 
Mukti-"hmm.."she put her arm around my shoulder while we continued walking!!
Mukti -"So a nerd tutor!! Your life is quit eventful!!" I chuckled at that!! Only if I knew what events my life had planned ahead for me... 

Next Morning I got up at 9 and started getting ready because honestly I didn't want that nerd to lecture me!! After my bath I wore denim shorts with a Red-Checkerd Shirt tying my hair in a messy bun 

Got my Ray-Bans and wore snickers to complete my look!! I looked in the mirror!!
Me-"So I'm not looking like a Fancy at least!!" I sighed...Why does his comments affect me!! God..!! I Hope I survive this!! With that I drove to the address he texted me!! When I reached. It was quite a large yet cozy Bungalow!! I liked it..I hope I don't face his parents!!..I'm really bad with parents!! I pressed the door bell and in second ring the door opened!! And there stood the...Sexy Nerd..yes he was looking sexy in his tracks and cream vest ,messy hair!!And those Glasses!! Embarrassed Damn !!..Nandini Murthy are you ogling at a Nerd!! But wait he looked Sleepy weren't nerds supposed to study day and night!! I thought the he broke my thoughts!!
Manik-"Good Morning fancy Doll!!" I looked at him blinking my eyes!! 

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