Part 2

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No such luck when it came to his hopes of an Academy late shift. Owen yawned, one hand over his mouth as his tiredness appeared while he was pouring his almost unheard of 5th cup of coffee.

He needed to wake up.

The girl who'd haunted his dreams and saved him from his nightmare was due in his office in a few moments for her violin lesson.

He glanced up when the door opened, turning to see who was coming in. "Oh, it's you." He said, turning back to fixing his coffee.

"Yes Owen, it is I, Dr. Sean Green... your best friend and trusted confidant." Sean rolled his eyes as he walked in, leaning in slightly to peer at Owen.

"Geez, Sean." Owen pulled his head back. "You seriously need to work on the way you invade everyone's personal space bubble." He complained, reaching up to adjust his glasses. He totally fought the urge to rub his tired eyes. If it wasn't one thing last night, it was another. He was almost running on empty and feeling completely exhausted.

"You're exhausted." Sean observed.

"Am not." Owen was quick to deny it, even if he had just told himself he was.

"Don't lie to me." Sean frowned, a quick glint of hurt flashing in his eyes. "I do think I know you best after all this time." He said before frowning at the coffee. "Pookie will be here soon. Shouldn't you be at your desk?"

"Are you going to leave us alone this time?"

"And risk you falling asleep on her? Heavens no..." Sean shook his head before studying his best friend closely. "You didn't go out last night." He said, receiving a slight incline of the head to acknowledge. "The boys didn't have a marathon text message..." He arched an eyebrow at Owen.

Owen snorted slightly. "No, don't be ridiculous."

Sean crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't lie to me and I won't be inclined to be ridiculous."

Owen shrugged. "I'm not lying."

"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about either."

Owen's eyes narrowed and he stared at Sean. Sean stared just as hard back at him. "Fine." Owen muttered, his shoulders slumping slightly as the bell rang to signal the end of 3rd period. "I'm exhausted. Every time, I close my eyes, she's there." He said. "Good dreams I get to dream about her and what could happen when I'm finally free enough to be real with her."

Sean nodded slightly, leaning against the wall as he listened.

Owen's lips quirked slightly into a smile. "It's probably a little creepy. I don't know what she'd think if she knew I have it all planned out as far as what I'd like to happen with regard to kissing her." He said. Sean arched an eyebrow at him. He shrugged. "You know I'm a planner."

Sean chuckled. "I know. And it's good to hear that you have an inkling about what to do with her." He teased. "But you're right, it's a touch creepy."

Owen narrowed his gaze at him. "Thanks, I think..."

"You said it first." Sean said, a bit too helpfully in Owen's thinking. Sean's gaze held steady and he didn't flinch from the animosity in Owen's look.

Owen sighed softly. "I don't know what to do." He admitted. "Do I hold on to everything that I've planned... to not pursue anything with her right now because she is a student and I am a teacher... Or do I chuck it all away and say screw it ... and just move into what I want with her?" He asked Sean. "Because she also features in my nightmares. I'm tied up like I was when Muriel basically kidnapped us and it's Sang who rescues me, as she did that night."

Sean's focus sharpened. "Interesting." He said. "And she saves you, unties you and does what she did that night? Or are you putting yourself and her into a totally different situation?"

"Usually the same." Owen shrugged again, studying the coffee in his cup. He glanced at the clock, she'd be arriving soon. "So what do I do?" He asked.

Sean rested a hand on Owen's shoulder. "I can't tell you what to do... that's up to you and don't forget she knows about the plan. She knows what has to happen and the girl is brilliant. She also knows that you're the last one of us she has to kiss." He said. "You confuse her." He murmured. "You can't even see the effect you have on her just like she can't see the effect she has on you because of how you mask things from all of us."

Owen pursed his lips and studied Sean for a long moment. "I don't want to lose her." He said.

"You won't." Sean said reassuring him. "You couldn't. None of us could." He said. "Wouldn't it be worse to be in love with someone who doesn't love you and then it all gets wasted and you spend too much time on the wrong person?"

"I guess." Owen said, earning himself a raised eyebrow again. "Fine, fine. I know, I know it would be much worse. For all of us." He said, backing away slightly. "Now if you don't mind, she's going to show up soon."

"Right, I'll just go prep for my class in my classroom." Sean said. "And would you please let me give you a sleeping pill tonight?"

"We'll see." Owen said as he took a sip of his coffee.

When the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

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