It wasn't long until Austin walked in class behind zac who had two girls hooked on each arm. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the sight. How many more girls throwing them self at him was it going to take for him to get bored of all of it.

Soon my face lit up as Austen jogged towards me with a warm smile spread across his face. I returned it with a smile whilst making his space for him to sit next to me.

"Hey abs" he said at the same time taking his bag of his shoulder."Hey"i replied in a tiresome tone. He furrowed his eye brows in concern. I tried hiding my pain from him but he knew me so well it made it impossible for me not too.
"Hey Whats wrong?"he asked worriedly. His face and attention completely on me. My heart sank. I didn't want to tell him but it was completely impotent to hide it from him.

"You dont need to ask Austin, im sure by now you already know whats wrong" i sighed resting my head against the palm of my hand in defeat. I was so tired of feeling useless and fragile.

"Oh no"he responded as he watched the pain in my eyes spread across my face. He opened his mouth to speak but remained speechless. He stayed numb not because he didnt know what to say, but because the longer we continued talking about this the more it hurt him as well as me.

This is one of the hundred reasons why I adored this boy.

The time went painfully slow in calculus. Don't get me wrong i loved calculus i just didn't want to be in a lesson with Zac sat right in-front of me, reminding me of our great year together to be suddenly forgotten. The bell rang as it woke me from my thought. Here was the part where me and Austen exchanged goodbyes. It was very unfortunate that our timetables did not correspond, i had lunch and he one more lesson.

At lunch i got my food and made my way to my table far of at the back which meant i had to walk past the as i quote from "mean girls" the "plastics" Chelsea macdormatt the group leader who looks like shes joined the "kiss" band with the amount of make up she wears and her two friends more like side kicks katy and Chloe who obsess to look like Chelsea but she just realistically only hangs out with them to make her look good.

I sighed and took a big breath as i walked passed them as quietly as possible but that went flying out the window as did i thanks to Chelsea purposely putting her foot out only to have me tripping over it.

My body made contact to the floor as the tray and whatever continents it had made contact to the floor after me. I got back up in a seating position on the floor as i watched everyone laugh and snigger at me , and there they were the tears i so forcefully kept back since morning. I could not contain them inside anymore. Chelsea and her friends continued laughing menacingly and what made this worse was the fact that i realised Zac was there too seated right next to Chelsea.

Once again another public humiliation could there be anything worse than this.

The orange juice covered my head and the remainder bits of its continents dripped from the ends of my red hair. My tears continued strolling as i took off my glasses off and wiped my tears .

And i did what everyone expected me to do.


I ran away from it all instead of facing them.

Instead of fighting for myself.

I ran as far as i could.

I saw the girls bathroom and i ran towards it desperately trying to hide myself from the eyes of every person stood in the hallway. I ran into one of the cubicles and locked the door and planted myself on the lid of the toilet seat crying continuously. I hated everyone I hated myself why couldn't i be strong and stand up for myself. I was told I could do anything i put my mind on. When i cant I even fight my own battle what expectations do i have for anything else.

I felt like nothing but a sore loser.

Unpredictably i heard a knock on my cubical as i stared at the door for a minute or two. I swiftly peeked underneath the door and saw some Sneakers, i rapidly opened the cubical and saw Austins face first thing i instantly ran out and hugged him tightly.
"Oh my god i am so sorry, I should've been there to stop but i was in lesson, please don't cry over them they are not worth it at all" he reassured me whilst stroking my damp hair.

The feeling of warmth took over me. As relief took over and i felt my body calm down leisurely. I stopped crying. Being in Austins arms made me feel like i had nothing to worry about. And it was true with him by side i did not have to worry.
I stopped Austen from going up to Chelsea and telling her off. I just didn't want to bring more attention to myself so I reassured him i was okay and that i just wanted to go home.

We walked it from school back to my backyard where we just hung out in our little tree house. The tree house that my dad built for us since we were little kids since then there has been no day where we have not come up here.



"What?"Austen gasped in bewilderment as he quickly stood up on his two feet and stared at me with his wide eyes. In that time i was sat there with my thighs pressed against my chest and my chin resting on my knees and my gaze on the rusty floorboard that we were sat on.

I knew telling him was going to be disastrous but i had to. There was no way i could hide this from him. My ugly secret.


Hey guys how did you like ny first chapter , please vote and comment thank you and i will do the same.

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