Chapter Twenty One

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Phil's POV

Do you ever wonder how one person can be so majestic? That's what he is. Oh so majestic. He is my starry night trapped inside of a body. His eyes are the dark depths of space captured in the skull of a boy with a soul as sweet as the loving touch of a mothers fingertips. His mind is every the dictionary of a million thoughts. He is my only thought. A thought that swims laps around my brain every second I am with him. When we are apart, my soul burns like a wildfire to be with his.

He sits on only feet away from me. His fingers dance across the ivory, I can feel his detachment from everything else in the world. His music bleeds through his hands and drips throughout his body. His passion could never leave the atmosphere, wild horses couldn't drag it from him.

He ends his ballad with a sigh. My head ticks to the side as he slumps a little. He holds his head in his hands, he looks so defeated.

"Babe?" I call. "What's wrong?"

"I just want to help her.." He says quietly. He turns to me with dewy eyes. I stand up and take his hands, of course he is worrying about Waverly.

"Look, we are helping her. She knows she can come to us for anything. If she's not comfortable telling us then she would tell Ali or Joey. If they felt it was something serious then they'd come to us. Don't be upset.." I pull Dan up and into my arms.

"She's our baby, Lion. I just want her to be happy. I don't want her to go through what I did.." He trails with a regretful vibe.

"Bear.. that's not fair and you know it. Your parents were the factor in that situation. Even though they did everything wrong, you turned out great." I tighten my grip around his waist and press my forehead to his.

"Because of you.. you knew that.." Roses bloom across his cheeks as he looks at me through his thick lashes.

"And I'm so proud of you. You just don't even know, my love." I smile into his cheek as he shyly turns his head. His arms slide down my back and under my bum. He gingerly picks me up, to him its not a problem.

"This wedding needs to hurry up. I just wanna fucking marry you already." He twirls me around before slamming my back into the bed. He hovers over me with a bitten lip, lust radiates from his chest. He kisses my nose softly before laying beside me and holding my hand.

"How long are you gonna be tease?" I smirk. He's so unpredictable.

"Hmmm.. probably March 12th, 1:30 AM Japan time?" He looks at the ceiling trying not to laugh. Surely to god he isn't going make me wait until a day and a half after the wedding?

"That's nearly three weeks!" I exclaim. Dan's smile grows even more devious by the second.

"Yeah, I know. But I might not be feeling it until then. So I will simply just have to tease you." His voice is short and cute before he leans over an pecks me on the lips once more. He's so unbelievable. I love him so much.


Joey's POV

"Of course we are coming to the wedding! What kind of question is that?" Daniel laughs. His phone is propped on the counter as he works on his newest crafting project. Our house is becoming the Pinterest headquarters.

"I know, I know. I just get worried sometimes." Waverly's little voice fills the kitchen from Facetime. She seems so down, so out of it. 

"Are you okay? You seem upset about something." I mention from the sink. I see now what Dan was talking about. Who knows, she might've just had a bad day.

"Huh? Me? Uh no I'm so fine. Its just so cold here and I've been thinking about things and um..." Waverly practically fumbles over her words. She's nervous, something defiantly happened.

"Mhm." Daniel cuts his eyes at her. "Whatever you say, Wizards of Waverly Place."

I can hear a giggle from across the kitchen and I can't help but smile. Daniel snaps his scissors at her and grins.

"What does that mean?" She asks. I dry my hands off and raise my eyebrows. She's never seen Wizards of Waverly Place? It was like the biggest show on Disney Channel!

"What?! You know! With Selena Gomez and Jake T. Austin!" Daniel exclaims. From what he's told me, Selena was his Queen before Victorious introduced him to Ariana.

"I never got to watch TV at the orphanage.. Isn't Jake T. Austin on The Fosters now?" I always forget Waverly grew up super sheltered.

"Yeah, puberty beat him with a stick!" He giggles. We as a couple have way too many celebrity crushes.

"Hey, he's hot. Jesus Adams-Foster needs to come and sweep me off my feet!" She swoons. Waverly must have found a strong connection when she started watching that show. She knows what adoption and sexual confusion feels like. She is literally a female Jude with bad luck.

"Mhmm yeah he's on his way I'm sure," I snicker at her. There's a small pause before she speaks again.

"Hey guys, I should probably go to bed." Waverly yawns. I come around the counter to see her face. Her eyes are droopy but puffy and red.

"Goodnight Miss Piggy." Daniel jokes and blows her a kiss.

"Goodnight Waverly. I'll text you tomorrow." Well, tomorrow for her. Its still daylight here.

"Night, love you guys." Her voice cracks before the call has ended. I look at my boyfriend with sad eyes, I wish she would tell us whats going on.

"Don't worry about it, Joey. I'm sure everything is fine. Maybe she's upset because she hates being so far away from you." Daniel tries to comfort me.

"And you, she loves us both. I can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks. I still don't see why we move our flight back so she can fly home with us." I protest once again. It doesn't make any sense to me.

"I already told you! We just shouldn't have booked it so soon. Plus it's a surprise for her. I have no problem picking her up at the airport." He reasons with me while cleaning up his mess.

"It's not picking her up that's the problem. I'm worried. She's never flown before, and her first time is alone? She's got a brain full of anxiety.." I run my hands through my hair and start to feel anxious myself.

"Oh come on! She will probably sleep the whole time. Knowing Dan, she's gonna be knocked out  on 'allergy medicine'." Daniel wraps his arms around my shoulder and kisses my temple, he's always got something nice to say.

"I guess you're right." I lean my head on him. I wish I had my own child to worry about. I just want a baby..

a/n I realize the quality of each chapter was slowly decreasing (cringe omg im sorry) so when im done with both book I will be going back and editing. I am gonna work harder and make them better like this chapter was (hopefully) as far as detail and deep thoughts go. seeing phan fluff and then a day in the life of janiel really is the best of both worlds huh? if you don't watch joey, GO DO THAT NOW! and If you haven't watched The Fosters, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT GO WATCH IT ON NETFLIX

(sorry if this was a shorter chapter)

-keeley (wannabe Adams-Foster) 

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