part 3 - fellow lemurian's ploy

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Sebastian, a fellow Lemurian   braved to  go back to the mystic city, he entered the cave where Sister Melania said was the place where she was snatched by the  witches and kept captive.

"Spirits of Ciudad Verdadero, come take me too, and grant me the power to  heal, the power to be the best faith healer in this country..." Sebastian shouted on top of his lungs.

  "We hear you Sebastian,  you want to beat the power of Melania, okay we can grant you your wish on one condition." the  leader of the remaining Ogres, Kuzar  replied.

"What condition? I will do it just to have her power to heal." Sebastian said  with anxiousness .

"Give her this stone and let her swallow it... you should be able to do this  within a year,otherwise you will be stripped off the power and will be thrown to the  mouth of an active volcano" the Ogre commanded;

"I will do it, that's easy she doesn't know  anything about my  plan,she will trust me.." Sebastian committed himself to the  plan to destroy Melania.

The Ogres  gave  the envious man  the power to heal, but since the power comes from the evil spirits, the  end result will cause more  malady to the one the healing is given to - Sebastian doesn't know   that the temporary healing will boomerang  to  thwart his own credibility.

He went back to the  city , announcing to his fellow Lemurians he can now  heal with precision, do operation by bare hands . He started  with a patient whose eyes  are infected by catarac and nearly blind; There  were witnesses invited to observe the operation.

The patient, a 50 year old man  trusted Sebastian, now called a psychic surgeon, to free him from the scare of being blind. Sebastian simply removed the eyes  from its socket, put it in a container,  cleaned it, then put it back into the socket.There was no blood spill, no anesthesia and no instrument , just bare hands.

It was a success, the patient jumped with joy and Sebastian  hugged the limelight as the first ever Psychic surgeon  in this part of the world.

Melania on the other hand is happily settled as a caregiver  of the   homeless old people.She heard the news about the miraculous healings that Sebastian has been  performing, the influx of tourist from all parts of the world  donating big sums of money to Sebastian's  foundation.

Melania  who was at the limelight refused monetary considerations, she  however continue to support the Lemurians'  pledge to propagate  mystic and paranormal education. If ever she does laying of hands it is now confined to the well being of the elderly in the home she is managing.  Healing  minor cases  of aches and pain  and   campaigning for a healthy lifestyle have become her advocacy.

 One   handsome  male  nurse named Rommel ,former overseas worker , volunteered to  help Melania take care of old people.From just a mere volunteer,  Rommel committed himself to be a permanent staff  .He  fell in love with Melania , became her persistent lover  ready to marry  this admirable kind lady.  Melania  was reluctant at first because she was a former nun but eventually she fell in love with Rommel.

"I love you Melania and I am willing to just stay here and not leave to work abroad anymore.You are my home." Rommel professed;

All the residents love the pair of Melania and Rommel and they keep teasing them to settle down as man and wife.The little  fairies are all in favor of the romance. 

Meanwhile, right that very moment, Sebastian is on his way to give Melania the stone  from the evil spirits, he do not want his  career to end, if he fails to fulfill the  Ogres' condition in one year; and because of Sebastian's busy schedule, he forgot   that he only got 3 days to  fulfill  his mission.

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