Would You? Will You?

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If I woke up tomorrow, 

impossibly grumpier than the grouch, 

would you still tolerate me? 

If I woke up tomorrow, 

my ears unhearing to all sounds,

would you still talk to me?

If I woke up tomorrow,

my voice dead, my vocals silent, 

would you still listen to me? 

If I woke up tomorrow,

crazier than the most insane inhabitant of Alcatraz, 

would you still cherish the locked memory of the former me in your heart?

If I woke up tomorrow,

unseeing to all signs, colour and light,

would you still point things out to me?

If I woke up tomorrow,

In a living dream, there but not there, 

would  you still keep me company?

If I woke up tomorrow,

unrecognizing my surrounding and acquaintances,

would you acquaint yourself with me all over again?

If I woke up tomorrow, 

uneducated, unlearned and ignorant,

would you have to the patience to teach me?

If I woke up tomorrow, 

sicker than a dying leper,

would you dare to approach and care for me?

If I woke up tomorrow,

unfeeling and indifferent to everything,

would you be the flame to warm my heart?

If I woke up tomorrow,

paralyzed and handicapped, 

would you be my support? 

If I woke up tomorrow,

heart torn into smithereens, 

would you be its tailor? Lovingly sewing it back into a whole? 

If I did NOT awake tomorrow, 

WILL you live on my legacy? 

WILL you remember me? 

WILL you still cherish the memories we made? 

WILL you think back on the years we spent together?

WILL you hold your head at the thought

of the battles we fought? 

WILL you smile proudly over the victories we won? 

WILL you recall the games we played?

WILL you remember the meals we shared? 

WILL you remember the songs we played and sang? 

WILL you, above all, remember the life we lived?

WILL you still love me though I left? 

This I ask and this I wonder: 




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