The Library And The Book 1.0

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Ishimaru reached up, standing on his toes as he tried to grab the book that was just past his fingertips. He let out a soft breath, annoyed at how foolish he must have looked to anyone passing by. The only other person that he noticed in the room was Chihiro, a young girl who was often in the library and on the computers. She couldn't help him, either; he was still taller than her. He looked back up at the book, then towards Chihiro, and then at the book again, just out of his reach. He bent down slightly, ready to jump and catch it, when he heard Chihiro let out a laugh. He turned around quickly, embarrassed and thinking that Chihiro had heard him. But Chihiro was turned away, still giggling at something. He looked over the shelf and saw a large shape laying down on the ground. Turning away, Ishimaru tried one last time to grab the book, deciding if he didn't reach it this time then he would leave it for another day. He bent down again to try and jump, but a voice stopped him. "Oi, look who decided to stop by and make sure everyone's following the rules, eh!" He turned, hoping that whoever had said that was not who he thought it was. Luck was not on his side today, he realized, as Mondo stood up, heading towards him with his giant coat and ridiculous pompadour hanging above his face. Ishimaru scowled and turned away, jumping to try and reach the book. He managed to push it in a bit farther. Letting out a soft breath, Ishimaru turned to leave. "Kiyotaka? I can get that book for you, if you want?" Chihiro said softly from behind Mondo. Ishimaru was about to politely decline, not wanting Chihiro to be hurt trying to reach it, but he remembered that he needed the book to finish his project. "Yes, Chihiro, but you don't need to do that-" Chihiro tugged on Mondo's coat and Mondo looked down at him, a few inches at least taller than Chihiro and even Ishimaru himself. "Oh? Fine, fine." Chihiro bounced away back to the computers, not even worried about Mondo. Mondo reached over and plucked the book easily from the shelf, handing it out nonchalantly to Ishimaru. Ishimaru reached forward for it and Mondo yanked his hand away. "What, no thank you?" he asked. Ishimaru sighed. "Thank you, Oowada," he said stiffly, forcing himself to look calm. If Mondo knew that he was getting upset then he'd tease him longer. Mondo held it away for a few more seconds, and then huffed and handed it to Ishimaru, turning away before he was even certain that he had a firm grip on it.The book noisily fell to the floor and Ishimaru bent down quickly to pick it up. Mondo let out a laugh and Ishimaru felt his face turning red at the rude gang leader's attitude. He handed the book to Chihiro to check it out for him and Mondo paced around, finally settling on laying down in the middle of the room on the floor. Ishimaru rolled his eyes, taking the book from Chihiro with a 'thank you'. He turned, momentarily forgetting about Mondo-until he tripped over his long legs and fell to the floor, book flying from his hands. He would have been fine, had the table been a few more inches away from him. He bumped his head on the corner and lay still for a few minutes, dazed and trying to process what just happened. Chihiro gasped and he heard soft footsteps pattering towards him as she ran. "Kiyotaka! Are you okay?" He sat up, putting a hand to his head and yanking it away just as fast when he felt something wet on his hand. He stared at his fingertips-blood. And not just a little bit of it, either. He gasped, standing up. He couldn't get his uniform dirty! Not with something so riculous as blood! He kept his head bowed slightly, turning it away from his clothes. "Yes, yes. I'm fine." Chihiro looked up at his face. "I'm going to find someone to help! Mondo, watch Kiyotaka, please?" And then Chihiro was gone, the door clicking softly behind her. He raised his eyes to see Mondo sitting up, staring at him and biting his lip. Ishimaru scowled; Mondo looked like he wanted to laugh or something. "You gotta be so uptight, eh? 'Can't even get my clothes dirty, I'm such a queen,'" he mimicked in a high voice. Ishimaru scoffed. "If you ever decided to go to school, Oowada, then you would know that only women can be called queens. And no, I disagree with your statement. It's ridiculous to think one so highly of themselves without even being done with school. Which, as I mentioned before, you probably don't go to." Mondo sat up, rolling his eyes. "At least I don't act like blood is the end of the world." Ishimaru bristled at the comment. "Well at least I don't try to make enemies with everyone I see!" Mondo stared at him, his eyes narrowing. Ishimaru took a few steps towards the book and almost tripped, feeling a little dizzy. "Hey, careful." He scowled, turning away from Mondo. "Here, lemme see. It ain't even gonna be that bad." Mondo grabbed Ishimaru by his arm and pulled him back. "Physical contact is not allowed!" Ishimaru exclaimed, more than a little alarmed. "Relax. Friggin wuss." Mondo stared at his forehead for a few seconds. Ishimaru used that time to look up at him. He'd hardly ever seen Mondo's face so calm and normal. "Hm. Could be worse," Mondo muttered, dropping his hand. Ishimaru bent down to pick up the book again and Mondo hummed quietly. Ishimaru heard a door opening and looked up to see Chihiro leading Naegi. "Oh, what happened?" Naegi said, sounding worried. "He tripped," Mondo answered for him. Ishimaru opened his mouth to protest but Naegi began talking. "Get some paper towel or something. Kiyotaka, you should just sit down for a little bit, okay?" Ishimaru sat down on one of the chairs and Chihiro walked to him, holding a sheet of paper towel. Ishimaru kept it on his forehead, barely listening to Naegi and Chihiro talking. Mondo sat down in a chair at the table beside Ishimaru's, propping his feet up on the desk and tilting his head back slightly, eyes closed. Ishimaru stared at him silently, simmering in anger. How could he just… He hardly knew what he was getting mad at. It was he who had tripped, who wasn't careful. But he wouldn't have tripped if Mondo Oowada hadn't decided to lay down on the floor! Mondo lifted his head suddenly, his violet-gray eyes darting to Ishimaru and then away, muttering something underneath his breath. Ishimaru saw Naegi leaving the library soon after, calling a goodbye to Chihiro and flashing a thumbs-up at Ishimaru. He waved to Mondo, who lifted his arm in a farewell, and then Chihiro bounced off of her chair over to Mondo. She whispered something in his ear and he glanced at Ishimaru, his lip curling in disgust and exposing a sharp canine in his mouth. Ishimaru only turned away, trying not to let him know that he was curious about their conversation. Plus, eavesdropping wasn't a polite thing to do. He heard Mondo whispering something and he felt him watching him. Again! Ishimaru shivered at the thought of being watched, especially by someone like Mondo. Probably trying to figure out the best way to make him fall again, or something. He heard a chair creak and Mondo groaning, saying something too quiet for Ishimaru to hear to Chihiro. "Ey, Ish-Kiyotaka." Ishimaru lifted his head, looking up at Mondo. "I would prefer if you called me as I call you, Oowada. Formally." Mondo rolled his eyes. "Hey, Ishimaru." Ishimaru waited quietly. Mondo scratched the back of his head nervously, looking down at the floor. Silence. It went on for a few long seconds and then Mondo cleared his throat. "Sorry," he muttered. Ishimaru looked up at him again, glancing at Chihiro to the side, who was crouching behind a chair. He stood up, bowing slightly. "Forgiven. If you will excuse me, Oowada, I have a schedule I need to follow and-" He glanced up at the clock. He was going to be late to his house. And what's more-He didn't even take his bike, having decided to take a fresh walk today. He called a goodbye to Chihiro and ignored Mondo, who had hardly moved from his spot. He walked out and as he turned, he heard a door open. "Is that it, huh?" Mondo called out, crossing his arms above his chest and lowering his head slightly, hiding his expression with that ridiculous pompadour. "Thank you," Ishimaru said loudly, beginning to walk again. He began running, but even at his fasted sprint, it would take ten minutes to get to his house, longer when he took a break. He sighed as he began running, still holding the book with one hand and the paper towel to his other. He heard a rumbling sound behind him, and a set of lights behind him cast a shadow over the sidewalk. He looked back, blinking in the bright light, and realized it was Mondo following behind him slowly. "It's not safe," Ishimaru said over his shoulder. "To ride a motorcycle and not wear any protection." Mondo laughed, driving forward so he was beside Ishimaru. "I'm not even going that fast. 'It's not safe," he began to mimic, "To go walking alone in the dark." Ishimaru rolled his eyes, forcing himself to be polite. "I hardly have a choice." Mondo chuckled softly, resting his elbows on the handlebars as he turned to stare at Ishimaru. He kept pace with Ishimaru until Ishimaru finally stopped walking, moving his head to look at him. He didn't want Mondo to know where he lived. Being the Crazy Diamonds gang leader, he'd probably break all his windows during the night for kicks. "Ah, I get it," Mondo said, smirking. "Fine, fine. I'll be going. See you around, Kee-yo-ta-ka." He sped off, throwing dirt around and disappearing on his motorcycle, leaving Ishimaru with a protest hanging on his lips. 

(Yeha we going places even though I finished it too fast and didn't proofread it either)

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