Drama Class is full of... Drama?

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  • Dedicated to All the annoying boys who have it out for me,thank you for the inspiration for G

Most of the day whirred by, after that irritating encounter.

Abby and Connor weren't in any of my classes until 5th period. So that was disappointing. Derek had been in all of my classes so far which made trying not to talk to him so. Much. Harder. It wasn't that I still felt for him, which I somewhat did, as much as it was force of habit. I used to ramble on to him for hours. Thats hard to break.

 Before I knew it it was 4th period. Drama Class, my favorite. I always was an actress, small community plays, a few things in the middle school, but when I hit high school I was in heaven. There were so many classes to take and plays to try out for. For once I felt like I had all the chance in the world. 

I walked into Mr. Schmidt's class, he gave me a friendly wave. "Now how is my favorite little actress?" He said kindly, he had been calling me little since I was the only freshman who got a main role in Tom Sawyer. Becky Thatcher. I hated her, Becky, I much prefer being a villian but, I took what I could get. I've also known him, well forever. He was best friends with my Mom and Dad when they were dating. He was actually the one who got them together in the first place.

Since not many people enrolled into the drama program (why they don't is beyond me), the school combined all of the grades into one class... There was still only 17 of us. Thats just sad, I should move to California, or New york, I like new york...

I waved at Mr. Schmidt and then turned to the rest of the class, I said without looking at him, "May I do the honors Mr. Schmidt?"

He laughed and nodded. I made my voice gruff like his, puffed out my chest, and said in my best imitation of our drama teacher...

"Now class, you can call me Mr. Schmidty Schmidt, you can call me Jon Jacob Jingle Heighmer Schmidt, and call my name when ever I go out, just don't forget the M."

The class was filled with laughter probably because after years of hearing him my imatation was really close. Plus he said that line every year, and at least once a month. 

The door opened and a familier face sulked to the back of the class acting bored. I rolled my eyes, there was Galrung Thompson, everyone calls him GT though. Figures, I'd hate to be named that...Galrung...eesh. 

He was an annoying, somewhat popular kid, which I don't understand seeing as he is completely unbearable. Who has had it out for me since the 5th grade.

He wasn't like Derek... who was popular, and nice, and sweet, and perfect and- I mentally slapped myself AGAIN. Two times in one day, what are the odds? My tomboy needed to kick in more, the idiot hormonal teenage chick kept slipping through.

Mr. Schmidt wasn't a fan of GT either, the only reason GT even took drama class was because it was easy to pass. There was always a bit of mutual disgust whenever he was in the class. From him, as well as about him.  I turned to GT (still in Mr.Schmidts character)

"Now young man would you mind coming and explaining to the class why you are so late?". GT turned to Mr. Schmidt (the REAL teacher.)  with pleading eyes.

Mr. Schmidt nodded him to come up to the front, I love that teacher. He never let me miss the chance to humiliate someone who disgraces the art, also, its fun.

After publicly humiliating GT a few more times, and having the freshman introduce themselves, the bell rang for lunch.  As I walked out of the room once we were out of sight of Mr. Schmidt. GT whacked the books out of my hand and walked past laughing like it was hysterical. I pursed my lips and picked up my books, I wasn't in the mood for a fight today. Even though I was certain I could take him down. 

I sat down by Connor and Abby. Muttering under my breath angrily.

"Bad day?" asked Connor, he could always tell when  was upset. The genius he is. "My favorite class was ruined again by a little dragon breathed jerk." I was so sick and tired of GT I couldn't even describe it.

"Don't tell me, he has dark hair, is evil, annoying to no end, and cute?" Said Abby describing GT. I whacked her arm slightly at the last part but it was true. 

Connor was saying something about trying to get him suspended at least, but I wasn't really listening. It was another one of his evil plans that we never went through with. I snapped out of my own thoughts as Abby kicked me from across the table.

"OUCH! what was that for?"

Abby didn't get the chance to tell me, Connor looked above my head,

"Hey Derek. Whats up?" Connor and Derek were on the same football team so they knew eachother fairly well.  I nearly choked on my sandwich. Smooth A. Real smooth. Why don't you just die right there, that would make things simple. 

"Nothin' much Connor. Hey Abby, Glad to see you again Anne."

Derek set down his stuff next to mine and I began mentally freaking out. Why was he next to me...What is wrong with him...what it going on?! Abby stepped on my foot hard. I came out of my trance quickly. 

"Likewise." I said simply. Likewise?! Who says likewise! Another mental slap... I have to stop doing that... My mental self is going to go on strike soon I swear. 

Soon Abby and Connor were immersed in their own little couple-conversation. How they still liked each other that much after two years was beyond me. There was an awkward silence between me and Derek, but silence can say so much. Like how I couldn't get out a word since I had stopped breathing.

He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear,

"You know I wasn't joking about missing you earlier." I got the chills and Derek must've noticed me shivering. We were eating outside and it was fall. He quickly took of his jacket and wrapped it around my arms, that didn't help my goosebumps. 

I felt myself fall into a flashback, great.

1 YEAR EARLIER Summer of 2015

I pulled myself out of his long embrace with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to say goodbye.

"You know... when school starts, we can't be together. I love you Anne but..."

"but you have a reputation to keep. I understand."

A small but sad smile appeared on  his face. "Thank you. Thank you for understanding."

 I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. "I understand that your reputation is more important than me. I understand that you have the nerve to throw everything away so you can maintain your popularity and trash friends. I understand you never truly cared. I know you care more about "enjoying the single life" then sticking around with me. Don't even try to deny it, I heard you say it." I had tears streaming down my face.

"Anne I-"

"Goodbye Derek." 


"Anne is, something wrong?" He asked concern on his face.

"N-no. I just remembered I have to go meet with a teacher, heres your jacket. Bye!"

"Anne wait I'll walk you to-"

 But I was already gone.

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