Chapter 13

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By the time I got home Cook was standing outside in front of the door with an unamused expression on his face. Acting normal, I parked my car and turned it off proceeding to get out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cook start to walk towards me.

"Leigh, what the fuck," Cooks hands went in the air as he started his rant. "I told you that I would buy the paint. Why couldn't you just let me handle it?" Grabbing the paint he continued on with his complaining telling me that I shouldn't be lifting this or that and irritating me. I managed to get into the house with the wall clings and set them onto the table. As I went to take the panda wall clings up to the nursery Cook comes in and drops the gallon of paint onto the kitchen table making a loud thud. 

"Are you finally going to listen to me and fucking let me take care of stuff?!" Cook stood by the doorway at the bottom of the stairs yelling up them to where I was standing in front of our bedroom door.  

Moving to where I could see him standing I mocked in response. "Are you going to fucking let me take care of my stuff?!" 

Cook blinked a couple times before letting out a huff off air. "Are you mocking me?"

"I don't know, am I Cook?" I raised my hands so they were parallel to the carpeted floor and out to my sides, palms up. 

"Don't ever fucking  think about fucking mocking me Leigh, just don't!" Cook's right pointer finger thrusts out at me showing his anger. 

"Don't point your finger at me Cook." My voice was a slight calmer tone in contrast to his loud, full volume voice. I turned and started to walk away from Cook for the nursery when I heard heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs.

"Leigh, get your motherfucking ass back here! I'm not finished talking to you!" I could hear his voice becoming louder and louder the closer he got. The mumbles slipping past his lips let me know he was actually really mad. At this point I was so beyond pissed that I could care less of what came out of my next.

"You know what Leigh?! Maybe I don't fucking let you do stuff because I'm so fucking-"

"James fucking Cook I swear to God if you don't stop with the goddamn swearing!" My voice was taking on a dead calm tone and my eyes scanned Cook's face registering the uneasiness he was emitting. 

He was silent for a few moments before retaliating "What? What are you possibly going to do?!" He was in front of me by this point and kept getting closer with every sentence. 

I didn't know what to say after that so I started to stutter a little bit. "Fuck you Cook." I continued to walk towards the baby's room when Cook reached out and grabbed my left arm and turned me around. Our eyes met and his hand was making its way to my face from my arm. My breathing was shallow as I was starting to calm down from the argument that just took place.   

"Fuck Cook huh? Alright baby girl, as you wish."   A grin spread across his face and he took the panda clings out of my hand and tossed them into the room behind me, and started to lead me to the bedroom. 

"Cook-" He cut me off at the beginning of my sentence by putting a finger to my lips

"Shh, it's fine. You're okay." 

A look of confusion swept across my face Weren't we just arguing?  I was even more confused when he pushed me down on my shoulders lightly as a silent way of saying sit on the bed. Cook stripped off his shirt and pants then proceeded to do the same with my own. Cook gave me a quick kiss on the lips before speaking. 

"Move back, Babe." I didn't say anything as I slid back on the bed until I reached the headboard. Cook crawled up the bed right after me and started to plant kisses on my skin before reaching my lips once again. The assault on my neck and shoulders continued, making me more turned on with the pregnancy hormones it didn't take much anymore. A few seconds later Cook and I were both naked and he was all lined up. 

"Wait what about a condom?" My hand rested against his chest feeling his heart pounding. 

"Are you joking? Isn't it too late for that?" Cook scoffed before grinning again and shaking his head.

"You couldn't have just humored me?" Some sassiness seeped through my words and I secretly hoped he didn't hear it, but much to my disadvantage he did. His whole body tensed up before relaxing again. With very little foreplay to make sure we were both ready we moved our bodies so that we were comfortable again. As Cook was about to slide into me, he paused.

"I can't do this." Shaking his head another time he sat back onto his heels.

"What?!" My hormones were raging and I was getting annoyed by no contact.

"What-what if I poke her?"

"You're not gonna poke her, Cook. Your dick isn't that big dear." A chuckle left my lips as his eyebrows arched up.

"Excuse me? Not that big? You've never complained before." 

My mouth went slack as I tried to think of what to say. "Maybe its shrunk up Cookie dear," I patted his shoulder before trying to get out from under him. " or maybe you just don't want this bad enough."

"Excuse me? I don't want this bad enough?" Do you know who you're talking to Leigh?"

"Cook, you're scared to poke her when you're no where near her, so obviously you don't want this bad enough so I'm just going to go finish off myself." 

"Finish yourself off? Fuck that." Cook grabbed my arm again pulling back under him and lining himself up again. "I'll finish you off Babe just you wait." 

"Fucking finally" I let out another groan and Cook pushed in settling on a medium pace. Finally I was helping the raging hormones and Cook was getting what he wanted as well. 

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