"Sorry, sorry! I'm nearly done," he says, hurriedly patting my fingers with the towel.

Someone knocks on my door. I look up.


To be honest, she looks like absolute shit. I mean, I know I probably don't look too crash-bang hot myself, but she looks like a right mess.

The guy stands up.

"Um, hello, I'm Adam," he shakes Elsa's hand.

"Elsa. Thanks for looking after her, I was a bit worried about her," she tries for a smile, but fails miserably.

"Thanks," I croak.

"No problem, hope all's well," he waves and leaves.

"Let's go." Elsa helps me up.


Most of the drive is silent, until I think of something.

"Can you stop by my place for a moment," I'm basically pleading.

She takes one look at my face and nods.

At my apartment, Elsa waits in the car while I sprint up to the second floor.

The letters are where I left them, in the chest under my bed, where I keep old diaries, stories and songs I'd written. There's only four or five letters, so I stick them in my pocket and hurry back down to the car.


By the time we reach the hospital it's around half-six and starting to get light outside.

Inside the hospital, we're lost. The building is massive and we no idea where to go, so we approach a young nurse dressed in pale blue scrubs.

"Um, hi. We were wondering how to locate patients?" Elsa's voice is quiet and trembling.

The nurse directs us over to a desk, where a man of about thirty is sitting.

"Who are you looking for?" He sounds bored.

"Dan- Daniel Smith," I stumble over the words.

"Family only girls. I'm afraid-"

"We're family," Elsa cuts him off, "she's his fiancee and I'm her cousin. So, what room?"

I look at her in shock. She's not one to lie.

"Floor three, room 14, bed two."

Elsa and I take off as fast as we can without running.

Outside Dan's room, panic seizes me. I can't do this. I sink down onto a hard chair and put my head between my knees. A nurse rushes over.

"Is she okay? Would you like some water?" She asks.

I hear Elsa reply, and a murmured exchange of words between the two girls.

Elsa sits in the chair next to me.

"He's alright. He got hit by a car, he's got a few broken bones, but otherwise he's fine," she tells me.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

He's okay.

"Can we go see him?" I ask.


I stand up, but freeze outside the door. I haven't spoken to him since he found the letter. This could get interesting. I can't run off this time though, no matter what. I have to stay and explain. I-

Elsa opens the door, clearly realising I won't do it myself.

I see Dan propped up in bed, his leg in plaster. He's reading. My eyes fill with tears of relief. I know he's okay. I make my way over to his bed, my shoes making slapping sounds on the linoleum floor. I don't understand how he hasn't heard me, but then I realise he's got headphones in. There's a bunch of flowers on his bedside table. Someone must have visited him already; his sister, or maybe Steph.

There's a worn leather arm chair by his bed, so I sit and try to compose myself. Breathe, Beth. It'll be fine.


He looks up, and his face lights up like it's never done before. Why is he happy to see me? It's my fault he's even here.

"Beth!" His voice is warm and full of surprise, "I wasn't sure you'd come, I thought you'd be angry at me. I-"

"Why the hell would I be angry at you Dan?" I'm genuinely confused.

"This is all my fault. I pushed you too far with those letters-"

"Dan. Stop."

He ignores me and keeps speaking.

"I should have stopped asking. I get that some things are personal, and I'm really really..."

The last word dies on his lips as I lean over and kiss him, half to shut him up, and half because I love him and I thought I was going to lose him.

I pull away.

"Sorry..." He whispers, his eyes wide with shock.

"I..." I can't find anything to say, so I pass him the letters.

"You deserve to know Dan. You deserve to know everything."

I stand up to leave, and I'm almost out the door before Dan speaks.

"You'll come back?" His expression is that of a lost puppy.

"Of course."

letters to dan // dan smithWhere stories live. Discover now