Chapter One : A Long Ride To Hell

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The First day of school.

You know, normally, some people would find this day a bit exciting or they even might get a bit eager because they get to see their friends they've been missing over summer. Or if your a freshman you might be a bit nervous or afraid or maybe even a bit excited.Your finally starting school, getting to be with the big kids now, and your definitely ready to start living a real teenage life.

But, if your like me, you would absolutely dread going back to that hell hole they dare call a public education center. I would rather spend the rest of my life in a black hole, floating off to God knows where, than going back there.

When your a shy, quiet, and small odd girl, people tend to not like you much I guess. No one talks to me. No one notices me. If they do, it's only cause they want to put me down in some way.

But my situation is a bit different now.

I kinda moved schools. My last school was too much. The bullying got worse and worse each day. My Mom and Dad thought I was perfectly fine though. They wouldn't listen to me at all. They didn't know. Not even the half of it. Sometimes I even thought they didn't care. Not a damn.

But one day, after a long day at school, I came home. I wasn't going to bother telling my parents about the incident today, but based on my appearance, it would be pretty hard to ignore.

Here, I'll just give you a little flashback of what had happened.

Dirt caked my body with my hair all in tangles as mud matted every spot, making me look like a complete and utter mess. I brought my house key out, jamming it into the lock and giving it a little jiggle until I heard the click.

I pushed the door open, taking a few steps inside until I realized I was trailing mud into the house. Great~.

"Eslie?" My Moms voice rang into my ears.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I turned to meet her eyes. I didn't say anything. I just stared at her, letting her take in the sight of her battered daughter.

"Eslie what happened to you?" She asked sternly

My eyes felt dull with hopelessness. I shook my head, wiping the tears that had been stream down my face since this happened to me. "What happens everyday." I murmured, walking for the stairs but only to be stopped by a hand in front of me.

"What do you mean 'What happens everyday'?" She asked.

"Mom," I started "This" I gestured to my appearance, "this kind of stuff happens everyday! Eve-ry-day! It was never as bad as this but I guess that changed!" I nearly screamed.

Her eyes pierced into mine with anger and frustration. "Someone did this to you?"

Wow I could really just- "Yes. Yes, Mother. Someone did do this to me." She paused and recomposed her self, crossing her arms and staring at the ground in pure thought. "And you thought I was fine this whole time at school." I shook my head, gaining her eyes, "You thought I was okay this whole time. But no, I really wasn't because those bastards I dare call classmates treat me like trash!"

"Eslie, you know I don't approve that kind of lang-"

"No! I don't give a damn right now because I was just abused by a bunch of jerks!" I shouted.

She stared at me, shocked by what I had said. "I didn't know it was this bad, sweetie."

I scoffed, returning to my journey upstairs, "Well now you know."

FLASHBACK OVER! So after that, my Mom had a conversation with my Dad and made a decision that I home school until the year is over. So that means, eventually I will have to go back to a public school. But I made it clear I wasn't going back to that hell hole I was at before.

And so, I finished the rest of the year and summer is finally over. So I guess you would know what that means.

Time to go back to prison.


I stared at myself endlessly into the bathroom mirror. Do I look right? Is my hair fixed in a good style?, I wondered. I don't know. My clothes look alright I guess. And my hair and makeup look fine. . . I guess. Just straight. I shrugged it off and walked back to my bed where my Splendid Canvas backpack sat with my supplies loosely started to fall out. I shoved them back in, latched the top and slung it on my back.

"Eslie, I'm going to work now! Have a good day at school!" My Mom called to me from down stairs.

"Thanks! Bye!" I called back as I slipped my black boots on. The sound of the front door opening and shutting let me know my Mom had just left.

My mom always has to leave earlier than me. She's a business type of woman so she likes to be prompt and proper. My Dad is the same. They both work at very important companies. Except my Dad is on a business trip and has been for two weeks now. But he doesn't come back for 5 more weeks.

Suddenly, my phone started to chime. I pulled it out of my boot, yes I keep my phone in my boot, and pressed unlock. I forgot I had an alarm set to go off when I had to leave to go to the bus. Better get going.

I quickly dropped my phone back in my boot, skipped down the stairs, and flew out the door. After a while of walking the sidewalk, I got to the bus stop where I noticed the bus was coming in sight. Once it arrived, the two yellow doors propped open and spread wide for me. Slowly, I walked in and turned my view to the left seeing all the people already seated. Some stared while others were caught in their own conversations.

"Take a seat anywhere." The lady bus driver instructed. I looked to her and gave a small nod. My eyes skimmed over the large bus. Where to sit. Where to sit. I finally caught sight of a empty seat for two which I immediately scurried over to. Surprisingly I didn't trip my way over, but I made it!

The bus started up and began heading for the school.

Here we go.

Hellooo! Hope you liked this chapter. Please comment or follow! ^0^ I follow back! Thanks!

Bye Lovely! <3 XxXx

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