Chapter Two

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Arriving into town again I felt like I was dreaming. I hadn't realised how much I'd missed my hometown. Considering it harboured me for nineteen years. I never thought I'd be returning at twenty-two after a whole four years of not being here and one year of not visiting.

I remember how desperately I had wanted to move out of here and how I sworn to never return but that was ludicrous. I almost craved returning home but just didn't know it.

I yearned to see my fifteen year old brother and seventeen year old sister again. But of course I defiantly missed my mother and father. Then not being together anymore. I had never thought of them divorcing at least not while I was still in college.

I was passing the campus I'd be attending in a weeks time. I decided I'd need a week to settle in before I jumped back in the books plus I wasn't all to excited to be starting back at a college whom Harriet, Ryan and Chad weren't attending.

I had friends in town but they weren't in college most of them didn't bother and the others went away. I did have a few girl friends but Harriet wasn't all to keen for me to be hanging with them so I was left with no option.

I had passed the college and was about five minutes from mums house. I knew this streets like the back of my hand. I suddenly felt nervous seeing my family again I mean what if they were angry about me not visiting them for a whole year?

I turned into Gray Street and I toke in a sharp breath I could already see the removals truck at the house and I knew it was in any minute now I'd be seeing my family again.

I pulled into the limestone driveway taking in the appearance of the house. Not much had changed to be honest although the there now sat a lounge chair on the front porch.

We lived in a two storey home with a wooden deck at the front. Although it was undercover by the house it had changed since I'd been here last. The lawn was still in good condition, extremely green which left me suprised.

My dad would usually look after the gardens I had assumed since father left it would go to crap but mother must of kept it up good. Polo and his companion were already unloading the boxes from the truck which made my assumptions of my family being home correct.

It toke all my courage left in me to get out of my car and waltz to the front door. It was wide opened due to someone leaving it open for the two men which lead me closer to seeing someone.

I walked in the house seeing the front living room straight away. It was painted a light cream colour and had the dark tinted couch within the centre of the room. The walls were decorated with many hanging pictures of myself and my siblings.

I felt like I was finally home again. I had an abundance of emotions overcome me. I was so happy to be back but I felt so guilty and sad at the same time. I was losing it in all honesty.

"Justin? Is that you?" a voiced emerged from behind me. I immediately recognised it, I spun on my heel to face her. "Mum!" I greeted happiness in my words. Her eyes met mine and they twinkled in the light.

"My baby boy is home!" she chanted taking me into her strong arms. Oh god have I missed her. Mum was looking great which also toke me by surprise mother seemed to be dealing with the divorce well. I was confused but pleased weirdly.

"How are you?" I questioned breaking the hug. "Never been better now that my boys back in town! I've been getting house ready for your return," she told me. For some reason mum must of understood my confusion.

"I love you mum, but what's going on with dad and you?" I cautiously asked. I didn't want to ask but it needed to be done in all honesty. I needed to assure that my parents are going to alright.

"Take a seat Justin" she gestured to the couch. Mum had turned serious all of a sudden and my gut began to twist. I toke a seat on the couch in the centre while mum sat on the coffee table to be directly facing me.

She grabbed my hands and held them with hers. "I love you so much Justin, you're my world but you need to know your father and I did this for our happiness and you plus your siblings well being. I did everything for you guys," she stated I could see the water begin the form in her eyes.

I couldn't bare to see her cry. I almost began to cringe, it hurt me deeply to know I wasn't there for her and yet I seemed to blame Harriet for this.

I embraced her before she could continue already uncomfortable I decided I already knew all I needed to know. "Thats all I want is for you to be happy mum," I mumbled into her shoulder.

"All I ever want"

I had just finished setting up my old room again. My bed was towards to right near the ensuite that I got since the age of 10 because I was the eldest. I know my sister always envied that.

I got the biggest room up stairs because I was the oldest of my parents children and I kind of was thankful for that. I loved it now. My room led to a small balcony that overlooked the neighbourhood and in the distance you could see the hills.

It turns out my sister, Jazmyn and brother Jaxon were in school right now. Mother informed me that when since I had left they had moved schools because Jaxon had gotten a scholarship at the local private school not far from our house. Mum told me it was only for fair Jazmyn had to be moved there as well.

I was a little skeptically considering we had always gone to public school but mum has asked me to pick them up today.  My mum was a nurse at the hosptial in town so she usually worked night shifts which she started at 3pm today which is when they finish school.

Jazmyn and Jaxon didn't know I was picking them up but knew I was coming home. I was excited to see them but scared at the same time. So much has happened since I've been here.

I heard two light knocks on my food already knowing it was mum. I rushed over to the door pushing my thoughts away. I opened it to face mum wearing her nursing uniform. I grinned widely I was always so proud of my mum for doing what she does. 

"You better start going it's nearly 3" she beamed and I glanced over to the alarm clock I had set on my beside table it read 2:45

"True" was all I replied with reaching for my car keys and rushing out the door. If I was scared and anxious before oh boy was I now.

I had reached the driveway and waited for mum to come out of the door. She locked the door and walked over to me. "I know you're nervous but don't be they love you Justin you should of seen their faces when I told them you were coming back," she soothed me. Mum knew me all too well.

"Okay okay you're right.. good luck at your shift" I replied with giving her. short hug. I hopped into the car and started the ignition. I was growing anxious by the minute.

I pulled at the driveway and sped to the school. I knew where it was not that I'd ever been there before it was just talked about a lot and I can recall passing it previously.

I gripped the steering wheel hard as I drove closer to the school and it's carpark. For some reason I felt as though something was going to happen and the fact I couldn't determine if it was good or bad frightened me.

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