An unwelcome welcoming

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 Demon Hunters: Chapter 1

An unwelcome welcoming

Freya stood in the car park, droplets of rain caught in the ends of her eyelashes. She knew she must look like quite a sight, ringlets of her thick blonde hair plastered across her face, tears mingled with rain smeared across her cheeck and a scowl she was certain would make grown men nervous. All through this one phrase was running through her mind, how could he?! Her boyfriend of five months had dumped her for the school slut; She should have seen it coming… Who would want to date ordinary her anyway, the quite girl who done all her work, stayed in on Friday nights and was always polite? Matt was the most popular guy at our school. He had chocolate brown eyes a shade lighter than his hair. He had a reputation for being a player but all that had come to a halt when one afternoon as Freya walked to the bus stop he asked her out. She had been suspicious at the time, I mean they had only spoken a few times and only shared one class. After a few dates they were going steady, life was great, and suddenly he announced that it was over. The worst thing was he hadn’t even said it to her face! Instead his friend sent Freya a text announcing the news! So any way, back to the present, she was currently standing in the car park, school building looming behind her, trying to figure out how she was going to get home since Matt was no longer her boyfriend or ride.

Freya trudged along the path, rain seeping through her shoes and soaking her clothes. This had to be the worst day of Freya's teenage life, the anger she felt burned brighter than fire. How could the houses with their white picket fences and petite flowering shrubs look so serene with the rain plummeting down, making the whole world around her appear as if in grief? How could everything around her appear with such normalcy when she felt anything but? The girl glared as a ginger cat with malicious green eyes scampered across her path. Bang, bang, bang. Lightning struck across the sky matching Freya's mood. The streets were surprisingly quite considering how busy the area around her house was. Actually she hadn’t seen a car drive past her since Matt had left her to make her own way home. Turning down the street relief flooded her- she was almost home. Freya took a look at herphone and noticed a text. She read it aloud.

“I’m sorry Freya, it was never going 2 work out. Hope we can still b friends babe. Matt.” I laughed. “Haa-haa, he wants to be friends?!” It was only then that the girl realised how crazy she must seem to be talking to herself. Was this the first sign of a nervous breakdown? Her mental conversation came to a halt as the smell of burning rubber filled her lungs and the sound of screeching tires rung in her ears. She barely had time to jump out of the way as a white van stopped on the footpath rocking precariously for a split second. The door opened and a hooded figure emerged. What is it they say, all animals have a fight or flight reaction to danger? Adrenaline coursed through Freya's veins and she jumped up readying herself to flee. The hooded figure suddenly appeared right in front of her and in an instant, faster than she could blink, her arms were restrained behind her back and it were whispering in my ear.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way; which one will it be?”

 She gasped as she heard the low voice recognisably male and snorted in a most unladylike-manner.

“You can either let me go, or I will knee you where the sun doesn’t shine.” Spitting on his shoe for good measure she readied herself to run.

“I guess it’s going to be the hard way.” The male replied seemingly unfazed. A cloth was held against Freya's face and she felt herself freeze helplessly. Her lungs burnt with a lack of air and dark spots swam across her vision. She could take it no longer and gasped as she greedily gulped some air, she envisioned my death, it would be lonely and insignificant nobody would ever find her  or know what happened. The world blurred as Freya blinked trying to refocus her vision. The last thing she heard herself say before she was unconscious was something about unicorns being ridden by elves and she felt the figure’s chest rumble as he laughed silently…

Waking up was nothing like they showed in movies. There was no gradual becoming conscious but rather a sudden jolt waking her from her slumbering state. The first thing Freya realised was that she was no longer wearing her hoodie but rather a white shirt with some rock band from the 80’s. The second was that the room she was in was an office. Oh yes, she had come to this conclusion from her deep observation of the desk and neat piles of paper stacked throughout the shelves in the room. Notice the sarcasm? The person obviously liked order she noted. Nothing else in the room indicated what the owner might be like. No photographs, framed certificates or bottle of alcohol in the cabinet. Freya fidgeted uncomfortably in the chair and reached into her pockets. Great, they had taken her phone; now all she had left was a hair pin. Hastily she made her way to the door and tested it.  Unknowingly Freya scrunched up her brows and stuck the pin in. She had seen it done all the time on television. Come on Freya, it can’t be that hard! With a shock the handle turned and she flew back to the chair in record time leaving the pin stuck teetering in the door handle.

“Ah Miss Lee. I offer my sincerest apologies for delaying my presence and for the way you were brought here. With more planning it could have been a little more… graceful. Now I must introduce myself, I am Miss Verdant, and you are in Daley’s Institution of demonology, or more commonly known as the demon hunter’s home.”


So guys do you like it? Please tell me any mistakes you find as I have not checked ;p Please vote and comment if you want to see more of this story! Oh and any plot ideas?

Lots of love Thatfarawaylook xx

Oh and don't worry, the first few chapters in a book are always boring, it gets better along the way, I promise.


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