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It's 5:00 and it's Saturday that means in a 1 and a half I will be in the same room as the guy Im practically in love with IM NERVOUS

I go up to my room and change and Put on a black simple dress and a flannel over it (picture above) Keep my hair in the beech waves there already in and ask my mom if she's ready
She is
I'm not
I am dying in side
I'm so nervous I take a deep breath and walk out the front door on to the Rowland's porch I ring the doorbell to see Christine open the door I say "hi I'm Tatiana " and give her a smile she introduces her self to me and then gives my mom a hug hug "it's been so long" and tells us to come in
I see Hunter on the couch
he gets up the second he sees me and says hey
Hunters POV
Woah she's looks so good today
Tatianas POV
OH MY GOD he spoke to me
The moms stared talking and then Christine yelled for Brandon and Ashton
I didn't want Hunter to know I was a fan yet
Christine calls down Brandon and Ashton from upstairs then Hunter asks if I want to go upstairs with him since dinner isn't done yet
I say yes and head up stairs with him
we start talking and he smiles a lot and that gave me butterflies ugh he's so cute
"Do you want to broadcast with me" he asks I say sure and he gets on younow within the first 2 minutes the comments are blowing up
He kept looking at me
"Who is that"
"He can do better"
"Are they dating"
"She is pretty"
Hunter introduces me and he's says that I'm his neighbor and that we're just friends he asks his mom when dinner is done cause he's starving and she says 15 minutes
He ends the broadcast tweets out "thinking about you😍" and my phone goes off I got his notification he looks at me and says "so your a fan" with a smirk I say "yeah but if I told you I thought you would think I would be all over you so I didn't tell you"
Hunters POV
Omg she's honest, beautiful and sweet ughh "I would never judge you come on let's go get dinner this talk isnt over I smirk and go down stairs with him

Forever and always//Hunter RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now