My choice

77 3 1

Italics = thoughts
Bold = disclaimer
Underline = speaking part
Y/N = your name
V/N = village name
BFF/N = Best friend forevers name
F/C = Favourite colour
S/F/C = Second favourite colour 

S/N = Sisters name

I woke up in an unusual place.
This isn't my bed...
I sat up and saw I was in a room with, a queen sized bed, and F/C walls.
It was nicely decorated, with a chandelier, two bedside tables, a F/C bean bag chair and a S/F/C rug.
The door creaks open, and I see a girl with long black hair and soft brown eyes.

I groggily sat up. She greeted me and introduced herself, and I did as well. 

"Hello, my name is Aphmau," she said.
Little did I know, she was going to replace BFF/N.
She filled me in on where I was, and why I was here.
Apparently I was in a hotel, with a group named 'Dark Justice'
They were a group that helps wrongfully convicted people escape, no matter many people they had to overcome.
They try to do most things discreet and peacefully.
Aphmau sat on the bean bag, put on a serious face, and asked one of the hardest questions in my life, (Other than that one math question)
'Y/N, would you like to join Dark Justice?'
Should I go and betray my family? My friends? My village? The place I grew up in, the place I've known my entire life?

I hesitated and thought about it...
'I'll try it. But on ONE condition,'
Aphmau nodded.
'I... Get to date--- RETURN to V/N if I don't like it.'
Aphmau smiled and said, 'Okay!'
She turned to leave, but I stopped her.
'Can I get a change of clothes? Oh! And breakfast?'
'Of course!' Aphmau said.
Le time skip to after breakfast bc why not?
Ahhh that was goooooood...
They were really nice, introduced themselves and even explained to me why I was arrested.

Let's see, there was Katelyn, Travis, Aphmau, Vlyad, Dante, Garroth, Laurence, Kawaii~Chan... And I don't remember the rest. The food was nice though... 

(XD) I went to my room to ponder my choice... 'UGH!!'

I guess I should get more info...

I asked around the group

Apparently the next outing was tomorrow, and they were asking me to come... It's to save this girl named S/N... Huh... Isn't that my sisters name? Wait... They were charging her for... KIDNAPPING!? My adoptive sister... Oh, wait she was wrongly convicted... Hold on, how do they know that? That sounds kind of suspicious... I guess I'll try to do this. Then I put on the change of clothes.


Cliffhanger! Not really... I have to cut this short bc I got locked out of my device bc I... Forgot my password. Aaaand my username.

Also i got tagged. TY TT8Louie!

I'll get started...

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