Chapter 15: Not Alone

Start from the beginning


Bulkhead smashed a few cons as they advanced. He looked up as he heard an explosion. A smile spread across his face plate as he saw a small aircraft shooting at the ship and some other cons. He smiled bigger as he recognized it.

"YYYAAAAAAA!!!" Someone yelled over the coms. The little ship fired rapidly at the Decepticons.

"What the-" Smokescreen asked startled by the sudden noise that filled his audio receptor.

"HA HA!! JACKIE!!" Bulkhead cheered as he smashed another con.

"Alright Wheeljack is in the game!!" Miko yelled as she punched the air. She put her fists together and brought them down on a con.

"Sorry for the delay. Got caught up in some head smashing." They heard the wrecker say over the coms. "Hope you still have room for one more at this party." The small team cheered again, with the exception of Optimus, who just smiled a little under his face mask. The Prime shot another wave up at the Nemesis and watched as it grazed the side.


"What in the pits of Kaon was that?!" The seeker yelled at some drones as some alarms blared. The war ship shook again.

"Uh.......Optimus Prime." The drone said as he looked at the screen. They zoomed in on the Prime as he swung the star saber in their direction. A blue wave headed straight for them.

"A scrap I forgot about that thing." Knockout mumbled. The wave hit an engine and blew up.

"SCRAP!!" Starscream yelled as the ship slowly started to spiral to the earth.


Optimus watched as the Nemisis started to fall towards the earth. His optics widened as it turned and aimed straight for them. He took a step back unsure if it would just fly over them or not. He decided to play it safe.

"Autobots fall back!" He yelled.

The wrecker and Smokescreen looked up from their fighting. Their optics widened as the ship approached at an alarming rate. They started running to the side to avoid getting crushed. They dove out of the way and Bulkheads optics widened as he looked up.

"MIKO!!" He yelled as he saw the ship head towards her. She looked up as she smashed to vehicons helms together.

"Oh scrap." She said. The girl started running unsure where to go.

Optimus ran faster and tackled her out of the way. They rolled a little and the Autobot leader shielded her with his body, out of instinct. The ship skidded across the ground a little ways away from them before finally stopping. The Nemisis was tilted to one side smoke coming from one of the engines.

Optimus got to his peds and helped Miko up. She dusted herself off and gave him a thumbs up as the other two ran over. The Jackhammer landed nearby and the wrecker jumped out. He walked towards them smirking as he tossed a grenade up and down.

"I say we end them now." Wheeljack said as he smirked. The ship shuddered and groaned. The Autobots aimed their guns at it. The Nemesis whirled and grinded as it came back online. They watched as it slowly rose into the sky and turned around.

"Autobots prepare for battle." Optimus said as he fired up his cannons. Wheeljack activated his grenade and flung it at the ship as it flew low. It quickly blew up as it hit the metal but the ship continued to rise.


"Why aren't we firing on them?!" Starscream yelled as the ship shook a little.

"Sir the ship was damaged as we crashed and all power supply has been rerouted to the remaining engines." A drone said as he typed frantically.

"Soundwave knew how to do both!" The seeker screeched.

"Well luck for us he isn't here." Knockout said sarcastically.

"I absolutely despise the fact that you can remain calm!" Starscream yelled angrily and slightly panicked. "Get us somewhere else where we can properly repair the ship without being ambushed!!" He screamed.

The drones nodded and the ship climbed higher into the sky as the Autobots continued to fire on them. Once the Decepticon war ship was out of range, Starscream set his elbows on a console and rubbed his face plate as he groaned.

"Megatrons going to kill me when he finds out I lost his communication specialist, and wrecked the Nemesis." The seeker moaned. The doctor chuckled at the cons distress.

"All in one day." Knockout mocked. The seeker shot him a look that could kill.

"Shut up." Starscream growled.

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