6. Don't It Make My Green Eyes Blue

Start from the beginning

As I approached Jason and Emilie’s drive way, I couldn’t help but let dark thoughts cloud my mind, but they went as quick as they came, because I knew whatever happened in there I was going to conquer. I had no room for ifs or buts or no’s. I was sick of no’s.

It was my way or the high way. Meaning no other way at all.

Whilst my sight did a quick once-over of my surroundings, I saw that their car was still in the driveway...only, alongside it were the cars of every neighbouring abode. It hit full-in-the-face that today was Saturday. My guess was that if Blake was still around and deemed a verbal assault not enough of a way to capture and express his extreme loathing of me, he would be more than happy to chuck me out and make a show of things because almost definitely, we would have a large audience to sing to.

Before I knew it, my feet had carried me forwards and I was on the front step of the door. Thinking I would cleverly avoid the whole spectacle from the outset, I tried my luck and, would you have it, twisted the door handle, watching in awe and glee as it opened itself. Huh, they should really keep a lock on these things, any one could walk in. But I’m guessing this isn’t on the black list as a high crime area.

Making sure to shut the door as stealthily as I came in, I crept towards the living room but stopped suddenly when the sounds of loud chatter and laughter made its way to my ears. Suddenly weary if I was even missed or if any of them even acknowledged of my disappearance, I began to rehash my whole plan. Hell, I hadn’t even considered the fact that they may have changed their minds and decided I wasn’t worth the time and effort they would be putting in.

When thoughts of me wanting to bash my head against something hard and painful evaded my mind, I suppose that I was too preoccupied, to even hear the bathroom door shut or the heavy stampede of footsteps descending the stairs.

I turned around, wanting to get the hell out of here before someone spotted me, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw something or someone that had my plans coming forcefully to an immediate halt.

Before me, all tall and mighty, was Blake, who was stood with his neck at an awkward angle - which given the fact that his head touched the base of the staircase was appropriate. His mouth was hung open and kept closing to open again at a steady speed of 5mph hour. His eyes looked like they were bugged out of his head; transfixed and on me. Given the state of his hair,I concluded that he had just woken up. Clad in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt, I felt envious of the fact that he slept in a state of warmth and ease whilst I was out for the world to prey on. It didn’t help his case when I saw the thick white socks that wrapped his feet as I shivered thinking of what the state my own would be.

It looked like he was in a state of shock, but I couldn’t understand why. Whilst waiting for someone to break the awkward silence, the contrast of loud background noises only heightened the tension, my own mind was working overdrive. Could it be that he was stunned at the nerve of me coming back, or was it because, maybe, he was so shit faced in the morning that he forgot his own name never mind the lovely social visit from his arch nemesis? Yeah, that could be it. I watched in unease as he placed one foot in front of the other almost cautiously and fearfully until he stood square in front of me. Knowing that this was it, he was going to say something that would leave me in a state of disgust of myself, I prepared myself for the worst, all the while making sure to void my face of any traces of emotion. Somehow, I didn't catch on that I was mirroring the same look Blake was wearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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