~Chapter 9~

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Opening my eyes, I clutched my stomach as it began to bubble. Trying not to wake Cullen, I walked to the small washroom, barely making it as I began to get sick. After brushing my teeth, I crawled back into Cullen's arms, nuzzling his chest.

"Are you alright?" He muttered groggily, looking down to me.

"Yeah, must have been the food and wine last night." I replied, closing my eyes not feeling the best. Cullen gave me a concerned look as he got dressed, kissing my forehead before he left. Covering my half nude body, I curled into a ball under the covers, sighing as someone knocked on my door. "Yes?" I called, keeping my eyes shut.

"Cullen told me something was wrong, so I came up to see if you were ok. He said you might have food poisoning." Dorian replied, the bed indenting as he sat beside me. Opening one eye, I groaned, putting a hand on my stomach. "My I check it out??" I nodded, opening my eyes staring at the ceiling. His hand wavered over my stomach, cold drafts from the magic he was using hit my bare skin. He was quiet for a few moments, before muttering, "Makers breath..." under his breath.

"What is it?" I sat up, covering myself with the sheets. His eyes widened as he looked at me, trying to find the words.


"I'm what?" I groaned as another wave of sickness hit my stomach.

"Pregnant..." His tone held disbelief as he eyed me. My words caught in my throat as I stared at him, panic sweeping through my body. 'Pregnant? How?' I thought, covering my mouth. Well of course I knew how but why? What was I going to tell Cullen?

"Please don't tell anyone!" I begged, clutching Dorians arm as he raised an eyebrow.

"Your secret is safe with me my dear, but what about Cullen?" He replied, resting a hand on my shoulder, a concerned look on his face.

"I-I don't know. I need time to figure out how to tell him." I stuttered, covering my face with my hands. Dorian hugged me, trying to comfort me before getting up and walking to the door.

"You know where to find me..." He smiled, closing the door behind him as he left. I groaned, getting up and getting dressed. My head was spinning and I needed some air, or at least a place I could think about this in peace. I grabbed my cloak, strapping my dagger holsters around my waist under the cloak, before leaving.

Snow fell lightly on the small trail through the trees that lead to a small village not far from Skyhold. Hugging myself I walked silently down the trail, going over all the possible reactions Cullen could have towards the pregnancy. He could get angery, he could leave me, he could have me get rid of it, he could disown the child, he could be happy. I hoped to the Maker it was the last one, but I couldn't be sure of any of them. We never discussed having children, and the thought of my life falling apart because of this... Scared the hell out of me.

As I entered the village, I realized people were staring at me like I was a demon that had just fallen from the hands of the Maker. I had no real reason for walking into the village, so I ended up standing in the middle of the road looking around.

"Lady Inquisitor are you alright?" A woman walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly being startled, turning to her I gave her a weak smile.

"Yes thank you. Do you know of any potion shops around here?" I muttered, trying to look as cheerful as possible.

"Just over there." She replied with a smile, pointing to a small shack at the end of the road.

"Thank you." She nodded at my response, biding me a good day, a gesture I returned.

The door creaked as it closed behind me, alerting the shop keeper of my presence. I pulled my hood over my face to prevent my identity from being discovered.

"How may I help you?" The ancient Qunari man stood, striding over to me.

"Do you have a potion for expecting mothers?" I muttered softly, keeping my face concealed behind the huge hood.

"Hmm." The man humed, pacing around the store, his large finger grazing the labels on the potions. "Ahh yes." He smiled humbly, plucking a deep purple potion off the shelf, handing the small bottle to me. "It numbs the pain of contractions, and other internal pains." His thick eyebrow rose slightly. "I don't suppose you are expecting?"

"Not soon anyway." I replied, following him over to the counter to pay him. After exchanging the money with hum, I made my way back to Skyhold, having a small bowl of fruits as I headed to the court yard.

With you always (Dragon Age Inquisition Cullen fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें