Part Two

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•Matt's POV•
I haven't clicked with any of my therapists.

I've tried and tried but this anger isn't tolerated.

I can't talk to anyone without getting kicked out for lashing out.

I'm a big threat.

I'm back in the same department, I am sitting again waiting to talk to a case worker about my problem with not finding a therapist.


A voice called for me, I stood walking over.

As I passed the same blond man I saw before walked past me, his hand brushed mine as I felt him place something in my hand.

He smiled as I walked away in confusion.

I'm led in a room and sat down.

"So, Mr. Bellamy"

I rolled my eyes.

"You are having some said problems with finding the right therapist?"

I fiddle with the paper in my hand.


He took out a notebook.

Not this again.

"It says here you've seen almost a dozen workers and none have work, am I correct?"


"Ah, as from what I am reading you should go to a different department"

No, why? No.

How will I ever meet Dominic.

I shook my head.

"I can't"


"Matthew how will you get better if you stay here? Here."

He took out a note card and handed it to me.

"Go to this department on Hill Street."

I stared at it.

"I-I don't want to get better"

He shook his head.

"Give it a try"

I sighed.

"When do I go?"

"The next available time is next Tuesday"

And with that I was motioned out.

"Have a good day, Matthew"

When I was set free I remembered the piece of paper I was gripping in my hand.

I unrolled it and it read:

"Hello, you may not know me but I've seen you around. If it is convenient, meet me on the corner of Webster and Elm Street tonight so we could meet up. Here is my number if you need it. Sincerely, Dominic"

I took the piece of paper and placed it back in my pocket, I mesmerized the number.

I took out my phone, tapped it the written number and tapped call.

ring ring ring.
long beep.
I hear the voice from the other end chirp into my right ear.
"Who is this calling?"
"It's Matthew B-Bellamy, you handed me a note with your number and I decided to call, i-is this Dominic?"
"Yes! Hello Matthew, can you meet up today?"
I took a long breath in and shut my eyes to ease my anxiety.
"Yes, of course, Elm street as the note said?"
"Yes! How about in twenty minutes?"
"Sounds convenient"
The phone call ends and I look around, I begin to walk back to Elm and wait patiently at a park bench.
Twenty minutes pass, then thirty, then forty-I don't know, I lost count.
I begin to wonder if he'll show up and decide to walk back when a hand touches my shoulder.
The voice calls.
I jump and turn around.
"Hello Dominic"
I sigh with relief as I examine him.
'Bright smile, bleach blond hair, low cut shirt that shows chest hair and a urban outfitters style outfit'
His figure is almost out of a model magazine.
I felt my body twinge at arousal at his beautiful body.
I shake my head and hold out a hand.
"Pleased to meet you Dominic, I'm Matthew"
He shakes my hand firmly, ahh yes, he has a firm grip. I bite my lip.
"Ahaha, of course I know your name"
He smiles.
"Would you like to go grab a coffee?"
He begins and walk ahead of me and I couldn't help but stare at his fine ass that was fitted tightly in his jeans.
I shake my head, 'Matthew you just met this man now's not the time to imagine him in your bed'
I run to catch up to him as we walk down the street taking in the view.
We arrive and I sit down as Dominic takes our orders.
He returns with a frappé (for himself) and a decaf coffee (for me) as caffeine makes my nerves twinge.
"Tell me about yourself"
Dominic smiles as he takes a sip of his drink.
"There's not really anything important about me"
He sighs.
"Noo, c'mon, just say some facts about yourself, there's gotta be something"
He touches my hand in reassurance and my face turns red.
"W-well, I like to play piano and write music"
He nods his head and smiles.
"See! That's a nice fact about yourself, what type of music do you aspire to write?"
"Orchestral music, it's very calming to just sit at a piano and plunk down chords"
I smile and look away taking a sip of my drink.
"Well, I bet you're very talented"
I blush, "thank you"
My heart race increased and I felt my face feel hot.
Dominic breaks the awkward silence.
"Well, I also like to play with instruments, just basically acoustic guitar and drums, I actually played in a jazz band in middle school"
I smile and feel myself cool off, he's actually a very nice guy.
"That's great, that sounds like fun"
I see him blush.
"Hey, maybe we can get together and play together for fun"
He suggests and I smile as I open up to him.
This is the first time I actually talked to someone without having a breakdown.
I'm falling for him faster than I've ever fallen for someone.

Make It Through The Fight (Belldom AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ