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The next day I woke up from a dream that had Mac in it, but most of them did. He stood beside my bed and had his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream. I didn't want to though. I wanted to ask him what the hell he was doing in my room. He smiled that twisted little smile of his and leaned down to my ear.
"I've seen you lookin at me," he growled lowly. It sent chills up my spine. "I know what you think about, I know its me," his gravily voice was like music to my ears. I looked at him, and tried to talk, but his hand ferm over my mouth wouldn't let me. I tried to push his hand away but he refused to move it.
"I wont let you call for your mommy and daddy to save you, your mine now," he hissed as I watched in the light of the moon as he pulled a pocket knife out and pushed my blankets back and slid up my nightdress. Panic set in and I wasn't sure what he would do to me, I started to cry and thrash trying to get away from him. It was no use. He was strong and a sharp pain ran up my leg and I cried more. By this point in the dream I was fading in and out and I couldn't keep my focus on Mac. Another stinging pain later and I was fully awake, in my dream. He had finished whatever he was doing and smiled at me again.
"Your mine, don't forget it, and keep that clean, we don't want your leg getting chopped off," he snarled into my ear. As he kissed my forhead. I closed my eyes and that was it the dream was over.
I moved to get out of bed when, burning, stinging pain shot threw my leg. I froze, I closed my eyes and didn't want to move. It wasn't a dream I thought, it was the only thought running threw my mined, god no, I pleaded. As I took a deep breath and pulled back the blankets. I looked in horror as my night dress was still pushed up and a bandaid was placed over my left hip. Tears streamed down my face as i reached and pulled back the band-aid. "MINE" in big swollen red skin is what it read. I couldn't believe it. Everything I had heard about this kid was true, he was a feak! I pushed my night dress down and went hobbled to the bathroom. I showered and did my best to wash the cuts. I applied medician and a new band-aid and hopped it would heal and go away.
I hobbled down stairs to see my mother making breakfast. I quickly sat at the table trying not to let her see my hobbleing. She was quick though.
"Baby! What happend?" she asked comming over to me and looking conserned.
"I must have just slept wrong," I tried to assure her. If this is what Mac did when he liked someone I was more afraid to see what happend when he didn't.
"Alright baby, Ohh there was a boy here this this morning, he asked me to give you this," she said walking over and retriving a letter off the counter. "I don't think I have ever seen him before, akward kid," My mother said as she haded me the note. My heart leaped and I knew the sloppy hand writing. I stood up and threw it away.
"Stephanie!" my mother scolded me. I cringed. I no longer wanted Mac, no longer liked him. I didn't want anymore to do with him. I sighed and picked it up out of the trash and ran back to my room. I shoved it under some stuff where it could be forgoten about untill I was able to throw it away. My mother was at my door.
"Stephanie, what is going on with you today? Who was that boy," she asked. I sighed.
"Just a kid in my class, I think he likes me, but I just can't be mean to him," I lied, knowing my parents raised me to be nice to everyone and I didn't want to tell then about Mac. My mother looked at me.
"Steph, if you arn't intrerested in this boy, you need to tell him, there's no point in making him think you like him. Let him down gently, tell him you can still be friends," she smiled. Her motherly advice would have worked if this wasn't Mac we were talking about. I offered up a weak smile and she left.
I layed in my bed and hoped Mac's weird obsetion with me would go away. This is nothing like what I though it would be to have Mac actualy like me. After hours of just laying in bed thinking about him though I did wonder what the note said. Ciriosity finnaly got the better of me and I went and got it. I pulled at the paper envelope and it was just a peice of paper probily from his book he was always writing in. I unfolded the paper to see what looked like dried blood on the paper. My heart raced and i cried again.
"It wasnt a dream. Your mine. FOREVER!!!" was what was written on the paper. I wanted to scream I wanted to cry. I wanted to tell my parents, but I knew that would only upset Mac more. So I shoved my blood covered note away and slumped on the floor. God how I wished i had never looked at him yesterday.

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