Deep Dream

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[Simple one shot taking place after Deep Breath [8x01] Clara just left the 11th Doctor and she hardly gets use to the 12th doctor. It's hard for her to believe that he is always the same man as before yet so different...
I don't see this story as a Whouffle or Whouffaldi one but it's up to you !]

Clara Oswald opened slowly her dark brown eyes and she looked around her. She saw the TARDIS and her lights shining all over the room. She sat down for a moment and observed the silhouette standing back at her.

"Doctor?" she said.
The silhouette turned to her and smiled. A big smile.
"Is that you?"
"Hello Clara Oswald!"
"'re back?" she stammered.
"I was never gone my dear Clara."
"I knew it! I knew you'd come back!"
She stood up and jumped to hug him. He laughed and she hold on to him. She hold on tight like if she didn't want to let go.

"Eh what's wrong?" he asked. She looked at him.
"I've missed you."
"But Clara I was always here."
"No you weren't. Remember? You regenarated. And your face changed...I thought I'd lost you...forever."
"Oh my Clara."

He hugged her and after a moment he looked back at her and his face had changed into an old man again.
"See? It's still me!" he said smiling.
Amazed, she stepped back and stared at him with a scared look.
"How did you do that?"
"Can't you see, Clara? Can't you see me?"
He came closer to her he was growing up and so was the TARDIS. Everything was so big and she was feeling lonely and weak but mostly very very scared. She heard voices saying at loud "Clara! Clara!" and suddenly the TARDIS moved and shook and she fall over.

She woke up, crying and shaking. The Doctor was kneel down, looking at her with worried eyes, his hand on her shoulder.
Clara understood she had a nightmare and the voice she heard was his, awaking her.
Tears were coming out of her eyes and she couldn't help it. She was 27 and she was crying because of a nightmare, in the arms of a man twice older than her, sitting on the floor of a noisy time-machine. For a moment she thought "I'd better go home."
She wanted to stand up but something very heavy was pulling her legs right onto the floor. She felt too weak and sad to move.
The doctor said quietly :
"Clara? I think you had a bad dream."
"Yeah? I have that feeling too..." she tried to sounds okay but she definitely wasn't.
"What was it about?"
"I...I don't wanna talk about it." she said breathing loud as she was trying to calm down.
"You don't have to be ashamed. We all have bad dreams, you know."
"I'm not ashamed." maybe she was a little bit. She finally looked at him, right into those big sad eyes and said :
"I'm afraid."
"I am too." he said like if it was obvious "every single day. But it's ok you know. That's what makes you human."
"Will you...will you stay with me?"
He looked surprised :
"I thought I was the one who'd have to ask the question."
They didn't say anything for a while.
"Will you?" she asked again.
"I will never abandoned you Clara Oswald. I know I disappointed you sometimes...a lots of times. But're far more important than you think. I can't let you go. And I never will. I promise."

She surrounded him with her arms and even if he didn't like hugs he didn't move a bit ; and even put his hand on her back to comfort her.
Hugs weren't that bad after all.
They stayed sit there in the TARDIS for long minutes. But Clara couldn't remember how long because she fall alseep, calmed.

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