Chapter 1

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I still remember that one day as if it was yesterday.

I mean it was like a week ago but still.

I was on my looking at my friends account she was so good at it whereas i am not. But then i found her fan account it was for this boy mark.

He was cute.

So i looked him up on social media and i started following him. I really liked him and i found his youtube there werent a lot of videos but i saw one that caught my eye...

'Stripped down. This is me'

I watched it and i realised he was so amazing and inspiring so in an effort to tell him how i felt i dm'ed him on instagram. Then i waited.

It was the next morning and i realised i had a dm. He replied! Duhitzmark replied to me! Plain old me! It was a dream come true.

The message said 'Hi Georgie. Thank you for you message im so happy that it helped you. Mark xxx.'

It took me about 10 minutes to realise what had happened i was frozen.

Then i started to think. He sent me 3 kisses! OMG!

Then i started to type again

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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