Chapter 2: Prince Charming?

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"Where'd you get that one?" A male whistled in my direction as I walked in with my saver. We ended up in some sort of  tavern filled with monsters. I gripped his shirttail harder as we walked by and more monsters called out.

"Just ignore them," he said. "They're all ignorant." I nodded in reply but was scared for my life. I've never been around this many monsters, well, monsters period. All eyes fell on me and I realized that they didn't care that I was a human and that to them species doesn't matter. That scared me so much. He led me over to the bar where we were greeted by a hairy figure,

"What's up Beast?" the figure turned around and all I could look at was his snout. He had sharp yellow teeth, hairy arms and height that could kill. When he looked at my expression his appearance started changing. Most of his hair went way, his snout became a small nose and his yellow sharp teeth became small and straight. Now standing in front of us was a good looking man who looked to be in about his mid 20s. "Sorry about that. It's not everyday a beautiful human walks in here,"

I was shocked and amazed. Could all of the monsters do that? This was working out pretty well, I didn't die and I had a good looking man in front of me.

"You look and sound ridiculous," spoke the guy now known as Beast. He hadn't exactly looked me in the eye since he had saved me.

"At least I have manners. You should take your human form as well. You're scaring the poor girl," my question was answered. All monsters can turn into a human.

"We aren't by any humans at all. That is just one person and it's not like it'll make a difference," he growled clearly annoyed by his friend. Without announcing anything, Beast grabbed my hand again and pulled me out of the tavern.

I had absolutely no idea where we were going. As he dragged me with him we passed more monsters. They had behavior worse than those at the tavern. Some of them called out to me, some stared at me and some even touched me. I hate to say it but their touch made me feel even dirtier than when Atlas touched me. Trying my best to ignore them I continued following Beast.

With the minutes passing I finally figured out where we were going. I stopped dead in my tracks prohibiting Beast from going anywhere. He turned around confused but when he saw my pale face his confusion faded. A deep blush took over my face and a smile took place on his face,

"Don't worry, I'm not like those other monsters. I know what good taste is," he joked. Or at least I thought he was joking. It took me a while to register his sentence

"That's a rude thing to say to a lady!" I stomped turning away from him.

"A girl, yes. But a lady no," he laughed. "You're like what? 17?"

"Actually I'm almost 19," I hissed placing my hands on my hips. I don't like his tone or his words right now. He was insulting me and it wasn't funny.

"Wow such a difference," he rolled his eyes walking towards the house. I stood in my spot with arms crossed tightly around my chest for a few minutes. He looked back at me but continued towards the house leaving me standing there. I heard a noise and didn't take a thought before I ran towards Beast. My hand took position back on his shirttail and I followed him with no questions or hesitations.

Every step we took seemed like it was a mile. I felt myself get farther and farther away from home. Fear over took my uneasiness and my hand tightened around his shirt. He noticed, I could tell but he chose to ignore it. Maybe getting saved by this guy wasn't the best thing in the world.


"It's Damien," he corrected not looking back.

"Okay Damien. How old are you?" It wasn't the most interesting topic but I needed something to calm me down. His snort made me feel a little better.

"21. I'll be 22 a few days from now," he continued without me having to ask. I laughed lightly at our age difference. I smiled while quietly following him to his house.

When we entered the house, it was different from what I imagined. It was a small little two story cottage, on the outside was a small fence that looked like it was pretty before being torn. On the inside his living room was rather pretty with the windows draped beautifully and on the opposite side was the kitchen.

"I'll take you to where you will be staying," he continued and led me up the stairs to a private section of the house. Upstairs was a guest room with a huge window that led in the moonlight. He let go of my hand and allowed me to look around. My fingers brushed every piece of furniture and I marveled in its beauty. As I opened the drawer I found clothes that belonged to a female.

"Is there someone else in this house with you?" It wouldn't really surprise me if there was girl in here. It would explain the decor of the house,

"No there isn't," he answered with a sad smile.

"Then why are there girl clothes in here?" I asked again.

"Why do you ask so many fucking questions?" I growled deeply with hands in fists. He ran out closing the door harshly. His outburst scared me and I had my hand placed on my chest. What had triggered his yelling?

I thought back to my questions and my hand moved over my mouth. What was I thinking? There could have been something he didn't want me to know and I ignored it. God I do ask too many questions. I should know better, I would never tell anyone about Atlas. Ignoring my fear I walked to find him,

"Damien?" I whispered his name. I found him crouched in front of the fire place.

"I'm sorry," when he turned around he had a different face. His horns were gone, his skin was a beige and his eyes were s beautiful emerald green. As his eyes met mine I couldn't look away, they were too beautiful just like the rest of him. "It's a long story. Every time it comes up, I get emotional."

"You don't have to tell me," I pleaded.

"No I need to. She isn't coming back," he sighed and started. "When I was 16, I fell in love with someone and she was special to me. I guess you could call her my soulmate but as I turned 19 she went crazy. I blame it on Aphrodite," he stopped. I could relate to Aphrodite and her messing things up.

"Aphrodite wanted me to be with one of her daughters but I was in love with my soulmate. Because I rejected her daughter, she decided to do things to my soulmate that could scare a women. My soulmate blamed herself for everything until she couldn't have enough of it. She died a year after I proposed to her. Those clothes were hers, I haven't moved them because I can't."

My trembling hand reached out and grabbed his with care. His soft hands gripped mine and he smiled just as a tear fell down. I've never seen a guy cry like this since my mother left the house.

"This has nothing to do with it but why did you save me?" His grip on my hand tightened but he let go and left the room. With all this I didn't know what to do cause I'm not quiet sure of him. Was he Prince Charming with his story or was he not?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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