Chapter 1: Captured

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Percy P.O.V.

I was running through the forest. Running from the monsters and the hunters of Artemis. Pain in my heart and mind as the day's events replayed in my head.


I was sitting with Nico under Thalia's tree while we waited for the Hunters of Artemis to show up, when Jason appeared. "Percy! Chiron wants to see you. Seems important. Zeus and Poseidon are here as well." Sharing a glance with Nico, I stood and followed Jason back towards the big house. "Hey man!" Jason gripped my shoulder "No matter what. I'll always be here for you cousin." I nodded and gave a small smile. Knocking on the door, I entered the big house preparing for the worst.

"You have been discovered as a traitor to the gods. You have been working with Gaia and Kronos to bring them back to life!" Zeus cries "All those in favour of death......" Athena, Ares, Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Dionysus and Hephaestus all raised their hands. "For life?" Apollo, Hades, Hestia, and Aphrodite raised their hands. "We are undecided Father." Athena said "Perhaps, since he wants to be on their side, we should send him to Tartarus." Zeus nodded and send a bolt of lightning at me. It hit the ground and the earth opened, swallowing me down into Tartarus.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback Ends~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now I was racing across the red ground in the sweltering heat of Tartarus. A jutting rock, slipped my attention and I sprawled down the hillside. Rolling to a stop, I coughed dirt and air from my lungs. A rush of monsters charged down the hill after me. The first reached me before I was able to regain my footing and they pinned me down. Helpless against the many monsters that grabbed and tore at me, I was dragged across the rough ground, back towards my new home.

Camp Half-Blood

Jason P.O.V.

I sat with Nico and Thalia as we watched from Half-Blood Hill as everyone celebrated. We had just received the word that Percy had been working with Gaia and Kronos. "I don't believe this!" Thalia said softly "He would never betray the gods, would he?" "He can't." Nico looked the sky "His immortal flaw is Personal Loyalty. He can't betray the gods, not without being in literal pain." "Everything okay, Neeks?" Thalia looked at him, "I just got a bad feeling about Percy at the moment." My eyes widened and I gasped, "Jase?" They both looked at me. "We closed the doors of death, sealing all monsters away. How many of those want Percy dead or screaming for death?" Tears pricked Thalia's eyes and Nico looked dead himself.

"We have to go after him." "You cannot!" We all turned to see gods standing there. "Why not!" I snapped "He's our friend and he was always there for us!" "He is a traitor!" Father thundered. I leapt to my feet and took a deep breath. "Then so be it." "Jason!" Nico and Thalia cried. "I Jason Grace, swear on the river Styx that I am, as of today, no longer a son of Zeus!" "I, Thalia Grace, swear on the river Styx that I am no longer a daughter of Zeus!" Thalia said from behind me. "My father had a the right idea!" Nico glared "He believes Percy is innocent. We will prove him right!" A small hand gripped my arm and I was suddenly surrounded by black. As soon as the black cleared, I realized we were standing in a black stone palace.

Thalia P.O.V.

I followed my brother and my boyfriend into the throne room. "Uncle." Jason and I said at the same time. "Father." Nico nodded, "Yu must hurry children." Hades said sadly "They sent Percy to Tartarus. I fear for what those monsters have already done to him. But remember. Each earth year is 10 000 years in Tartarus." "Let's go!" I dragged my boyfriend and brother back up o the surface.

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