7. Truth about hate.

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When I wake, I'm in the hospital and I hear beeping and people talking and the voices are so familiar, but there's somebody crying, and I knew it was Niall. I open my eyes, groaning in pain, and Harry's arms wrap around me so tight. "Ow, ow. Dude, let go." I mumble, and rub at my shoulders. "Bridget. Bridget." Louis says, and Liam and him start fumbling over each other to get to me. Zayn was sitting there, next to me, and all that time he'd been rubbing my hand, holding onto it.

I look at Niall, who was sat across the room, shaking again, and staring out the window. "We thought you were gone." Louis whispered, brushing the hair from my eyes.

They notice my gaze staring at Niall and Liam kissed my forehead and they leave the room. "It's...my...fault..." He said in between sobs. "You? No, I was the one who did it."

"Yeah, but I yelled and screamed at you and hurt your feelings and now look what I've done." He turns, so I can see how read his face is, and there's something that kills me to look at him, crying. "Don't cry, please." He whispered, as tears fill my eyes. "Don't blame yourself, Niall."

"I'm a selfish idiot!" [NOT IN REAL LIFE THE BOYS MY HERO] he sits on the chair next to me, and reached for my hand. "Don't fall apart on me, Niall. Look at me. Niall." His head jerks up. "Don't you ever, ever, look at me and think you failed us. You did nothing."

"But you like him- and he likes you. Zayn found him on twitter and they're following each other. And Zayn sent a message saying you were in hospital-"

"He didn't come. I can't like him. If he knew and didn't come, what's the point?" I whisper. "You just want to make me feel better."

"Look at me." I say again. "You're falling apart, and I'm to blame because I had a crush. Had. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can make me love the one who didn't come and see me when I was in hospital. And look at you, on the other hand. The one blaming himself, and crying, and breaking. The one who came just to see me. There's a difference, Niall. There's jerks and then theres people like you, who are worth the world."

"Don't forget that I love you, even if you end up dating someone else. Just don't forget me. Okay?" Niall trembles, his voice cracking. "If I had to date anyone else, I'd choose you." And now that I look at it, I'd hurt this boy so much and I just had to cry, too.

"I'm sorry for letting you down." I whisper.

"I'm sorry for letting you down." He whispers.

And then, all of the sudden, he kissed me.

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