Chapter 6

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We finally got to the meet and greets. This was always my dream. I get to meet my fans! Some girls gave me dirty looks and would look mad at me. That stupid I should have known, but whatever. Everything was fine when one girl approached me.

"Hey, girl!" I opened my arms for a hug, but she punched me in the face causing me to fall. "How dare you! Blake's mine!" Security ran over and escorted her out. Blake ran over from his spot and helped me up.

"Emily, are you okay?" He asked. I felt my eyes start to tear up. "I think so." My voice quivered. I looked up into his blue eyes and they looked soft with sorrow. "I'm sorry, Emily. This is all my fault."

"Relax, I'm fine." I gave him a fake smile and a small side hug. The next fan came up to me and thank god she had an extra thing of concealer on her. I covered up the forming bruise with her help. She was so nice. I made sure to get her snapchat. All the fans were so nice. After meeting everyone, we went to our signing tables to sign merch. Me and Hunter were partnered up.

"I saw that punch earlier, are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, just a little suprised." We both gave a small smile and sat down. Fans asked us to sign phone cases, shirts, bags, bandanas, and anything they had. It was alot of fun. After about 2 hours, we ended the show.

Our last show in San Francisco. I was happy to meet more fans, but sad that it already ended. We had the night to pack and tomorrow we get on a plane to Dallas, Texas. We all decided to go into one of the hotel rooms and watch a movie. I ran in first and jumped on one of the beds. All the guys ran in and found a spot. Hunter jumped onto the bed with me and smiled.

"Hey, Emily!" Hunter said. "Hey, Hunter!" I said. He laughed and rested his head on my shoulder. "So, what movie?" Cam asked. "Paranormal Activity!" Aaron shouted.

Everyone agreed. I hate scary movies. They give me the creeps. The only horror movie I could sit through was Scream. I nuzzled into Hunter. He knew I hated them. The whole time I stayed attached to Hunter's side.

When a scary part came, I would hide my face in Hunter's chest. He kept his arm around me the whole time. I could feel Blake look over at me every once in a while. I know he likes me, but Hunter is my best friend. He's been there for everything. I eventually fell asleep in Hunter's arms with my head on his chest.

Some time during the movie, Emily fell asleep with her head on my chest. I looked down at her peaceful sleeping and laughed a little. I tucked a small piece of hair behind her ear and smiled. She moved closer to me and I rested my head on hers. When the movie ended, Taylor went to pick her up. I shook my head and had him leave her as she was. I had Jacob cover us and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to two voices talking. "You know I like her and you pull this?" I could tell it was Blake. "Oh, stop. I'm her best friend." Hunter said. Oh my god, does someone need to be slapped. Like seriously, I hate drama. I sat up and looked at both of them.

"Good morning, Em-" I cut Hunter off. "Blake, Hunter's my best friend and you are my friend. We aren't dating." He looked down at his hands and then left. I felt bad that I hurt him, but he needs to know that we are only friends.

"Hunter," he looked at me wide eyed. "Oh, stop it," I rolled my eyes. He smiled and tackled me in a hug onto the bed. He got out his phone and we took a picture. Right before he hit the button, he kissed my cheek. We both laughed and tickled each other until the door flew open.

"Really? Just friends?" Blake asked. He held his phone to my face. Hunter posted the picture. "Okay, that's it. I'm done with whatever this is. I'll see you guys later. I walked out and into my room. Taylor, Aaron, and Cam were filming a video and I ran in. "Hola!" I said to the camera and walked away to let them finish their video.

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