Ep1: Sleep In The ER

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|| Ep1: Sleep In The ER ||

*Rydel's POV*

"The lift, Rydel. We need to work on the lift." Calum reminded me, and I took a deep breath before taking some steps backward, before running towards Calum to jump into his arms.

But, as soon as I jumped, his phone started to ring, and he decided that his phone was more important than catching me, and I fell to the floor.

"Ow! Calum!" I exclaimed and he quickly put his phone down before running to me and sitting in front of me.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to let you fall.." Calum said and I sighed as I looked down at my knee, which was bruised and looked like the knee cap had been thrown out of place. "Oh, shit. You definitely don't look okay. What do I do? Do you need some ice? Should I call your mom? What do I do, what do I do?" Calum panicked.

"Here's a thought, how about you take me to the hospital to get my knee checked out?" I said and he sighed.

"Is that really necessary?" He asked as he looked down at my knee before standing up.

"I don't know. I just know that it hurts like really badly and I need to know that it's fine." I said and he shook his head.

"Try to stand up. That'll make you know whether it's fine or not." Calum said and I tried to stand, but my knee wouldn't move, causing me to fall back down. "Okay, looks like a trip to the emergency room is in our very near future." He said and grabbed my arms before putting them around his neck and carefully picked me up, placing his arms under me for support as he started to carry me downstairs.

"Calum, I can't bend my knee. Calum, I can't bend my knee. I can't bend my knee." I panicked as I held onto him and he took a breath as he ran down the stairs and down the hall before carrying me outside and to his car.

"I know, Rydel. I know. I'm taking you to the hospital."

After arriving at the hospital, I had filled out some papers and they told me to go to the waiting room, so Calum carried me over there and set me in the chair beside him and allowed me to lay my legs in his lap.

"They said the wait might be a little long.." Calum said to me and I sighed softly as I looked at my swollen knee.

"I know they did. I hope it isn't an extremely long wait, though. I need this fixed fast because we don't have much time before our assignment." I said and he looked at me with an expression I knew too well. Worry. "What's with the look?" I questioned.

"Even if they check your knee out soon, I don't think you'll be able to dance anytime soon, Rydel." Calum said to me and I sighed as I leaned my head against the wall.

"That's just great." I said sarcastically.

"I won't dance until you can, if that makes you feel better."

"No. You dance. You need the grade. You can do a solo dance or something." I said and he shook his head slightly.

"No, no. I can-"

"Just don't worry about me, okay? It's all good." I said and he rolled his eyes.





After a long exchange of name calling, I eventually fell asleep. When the doctor finally called me back, I woke up and realized that I was sitting in Calum's lap.

"Help me, please, C." I said and he nodded before picking me up.


Justice here! Sorry I haven't updated anything in a long time. Had some complications with things. I'm back though. The chapters will be referred to as episodes instead of chapters, because... Well.. I don't know the reason, actually. But, yeah. Lots of love, chickas and mennnnn.

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