Part One

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•Matt's POV•
"I've been sitting in this waiting room for twenty minutes, where is my therapist!"
I heard my own voice grow louder as I stopped my way to the receptionist desk.
"Mr. Bellamy, please lower your voice, she will be out in a moment"
My face turned red.
"She was supposed to be out TWENTY MINUTES ago"
Everyone was staring.
"I'm going to have to ask you to sit down"
I grunted and sat back down.
Why do I have to go to these stupid appointments, I can't be fixed anyways.
I felt my anger subside as I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
"Matthew Bellamy"
I heard my name called and stood up, making my way to where my therapist was standing.
"Right this way"
I waltz over with my head held low, ignoring all the eyes locked on me.
"Right this way"
She led me through the long corridor and into her room.
I was motioned a seat in front of her.
She grabbed a notebook and a pen and began to speak.
"What are in for?"
She said, scribbling in her book.
"I-I have bipolar disorder"
"Tell me about how it's like"
She continued to jot down notes.
"One minute I'm happy the next I'm pissed"
She bit down on her tongue as she looked up.
"Have you talked to anyone about your emotions"
I shook my head.
"I don't really have anyone around to talk to"
She picked up her pen.
"Ah, you live alone?"
"How do you feel about being alone constantly with just you and your brain?"
My face felt hot.
Is she rilling me up?
"I'm f-fine with it"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Are you gay?"
"Why does that matter?"
"Do your parents still talk to you"
I bit my lip.
She's trying to see how I snap.
I felt tears.
"Okay, well you're capable of holding in your emotions"
I stared at my shoes.
"Are you one hundred percent sure you have bipolar disorder, are you sure you are actually mentally ill in a way that you need counseling?"
What. The. Fuck.
"Are you s-"
"Why are you asking so many hot headed questions?!"
I growl as she continued to scribble down words, I could hear disappointment in her sigh.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Bellamy"
I grunted.
"Why the fuck is it so important to know every little detail about me?"
"So I can see what's wrong with you and help you"
"Everything is wrong with me, do you think this will help?!"
She looked back down at her note book.
This isn't going well.
"Let's move on-"
"Too late for that"
I grimaced at how embarrassing this is.
"Matthew I'm going to need you to at least cooperate"
I shook my head.
"How about be less of a bitch"
She shook her head and wrote again.
"Why do you constantly write in that?"
"Took keep track of our meeting"
She clicked her pen.
"Stop that"
I said as I took the paper and ripped it up.
She looked, shocked at my action.
"I think our time is up"
She stood up.
"Come, I'll show you out"
I growled as I walked out of the room.
"See you next Monday"
She waved and left me in the waiting room.
Good fucking job you piece of shit.
As I walked out I glanced at this blond haired man who sat in the corner with a depressed look.
I stopped to check my phone as I continued to stare.
What's his name?
As I was about to leave another therapist called out for their patient.
"Dominic Howard?"
I watched as the blond man stood up and walked towards the door.

Make It Through The Fight (Belldom AU)Where stories live. Discover now