chapter 6: Squirrel Savior

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I know this is a lot to ask," I said. "But can we make a stop on the way. I need to pick up some wedding invitations for Robert."

"Isn't Robert your ex?" Gia asked. "Why would you help him?"

"He covered for me at work since I am running late," I said. "So I owe him a favor."

"Gia, stop being so nosy. Ann, we don't mind taking you anywhere you need to go. We're free today, right sis?"

"Yes we're free," Gia said. "Forgive my curiosity, Ann. It's been a long time since my brother had a real girlfriend." I felt myself blushing when Gia said the word 'girlfriend' and I just tried to smile

"Gia, we haven't even been a date yet. Calm down."

"It's fine," I said. "I'm an open book, although I will warn you, it's pretty boring."

"Ok," Gia said. "So what is the deal with you and your coworker/ex? Sorry, Andrew tells me everything."

"There's not much to tell. Robert and I dated a year ago, his mom was psycho and it didn't work out. Now he's engaged to someone else, and I'm...I've moved on." I glanced at Andrew briefly, hoping he didn't read into my words too much.

"So he dumped you and now you have to work together. That sucks," Gia said.

"Actually, I dumped him. He was more than happy to let his mother bully me, and I didn't like it. So I told him if he couldn't stand up for me and treat me with respect, I was done. So, I broke it off, and I'm fine."

"Wow, a girl with a backbone and self-respect,' Gia said. "You're a rare breed these days."

"Not that rare," I said, looking at her. She smiled and I think we had a bonding moment.

"So, what about you? What do you do Gia?"

"She lives in my house and eats my food," Andrew said. "But she's also a student at UCLA, starting next quarter."

"UCLA, that's impressive," I said.

"Thanks. I mean, I'd love to mooch off of Andrew forever, but it got boring. To be honest, he was letting me stay there for a little while so we could see each other more. But I might move into a dorm soon."

"Well, good luck with that. I skipped over the whole college thing, but I think most people need to go to find themselves."

"That's what Andrew said," Gia laughed. "But of course, the only higher education he's gotten is traveling the world on tour."

"That's kind of awesome," I said. I looked back at Andrew, and he shrugged.

"Ann, I have pretty good instincts about people, you know?" Gia said.


"I think you're good enough for my brother," she said. "Maybe a little too good."

"Gia, you need to stop," Andrew said. "You're being controlling again, little sis. The only one who needs to approve my dates is me. And today is about planning a party for nana and papa, remember? It's their anniversary."

"Right....Well, even if it's not needed, I like Ann. You're sweet and pretty."

"Thanks," I said. We pulled up to the place that made Robert's invitations, and as I got out, I saw Andrew following me.

"You don't have to come in with me," I said.

"Sure I do," Andrew said. "I need to make sure Gia didn't scare you off."

"I don't scare easily," I said, smiling at him. Andrew grinned back, and before I could stop myself, I quickly but chastely hugged him. He seemed a little surprised, since we hadn't really touched this much since our first dance at the wedding. But he quickly accepted the hug, wrapping his arms around me and inhaling like he was taking in the moment.

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