Chapter 4: The Diva and the Pretty Boy

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When I made it back to my office, I was full of triumph and smiles. Nothing, not even the lingering threat of unemployment, could make me frown today. I walked back in, my lightly soda spotted blazer buttoned up over my borrowed t-shirt, and sat down at my desk. I spent about twenty minutes on my computer, putting out a few social media campaigns for event planning. Sure, my twitter ads were more likely to bring bar mitzvahs than celebrity mixers, but the rules had been outlined. Whoever brought in the most money from new clients would be given an edge, and I could do a ton of small events and be incredibly successful. It's not like I had a full social life outside of work, not when my job was on the line at least. After I closed my screen, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What are you wearing?" Robert asked, chuckling. "I've always liked the edgy look you have, but my mother's kind of crazy about that. Is that a Triumphant Thunder t-shirt?"

"It's sort of long story," I said. "I'm sure she'll understand. She ran into Andrew and I at the restaurant; Lucy's purse knocked over my soda."

"That woman and her bags," Robert said, smiling. I could see it, the hint of admiration in his eyes. he had no idea whatsoever who off the wall crazy he was.

"Well, I have one new client recruited," I said. "And he's taking me out to dinner, so all in all, your fiancé's purse was no big deal. She is certainly close to your mom, huh?"

"They get along."

"Congrats," I said. "She seems like a nice girl."

"Speaking of brides," Robert said. "I am here to brief you on your new assignment, the high profile one you need to get a permanent position at Exquisite."

"It's a wedding!" I squealed. "Yay, I love weddings!"

"I know, which is why I requested my mother give you this assignment. but I have to warn you, it's the most difficult assignment."

"Oh great, difficult! I love challenges..."

"Let's head back to my office," Robert said. I stood up, flattening my skirt as I followed him. "Soon, you might have your own office, Ann."

"Well, one can only hope. Right now I am nervous about this assignment. Is she a bridezilla?"

"Let me close my door before we talk. Ann, this assignment requires the utmost discretion and you might have to sign a confidentiality agreement."

"Wow," I said. Robert opened the door and I found myself sitting down in Robert's office chair, just like the first time we'd met.

"Hmmmm..." Robert said.

"What?" I asked him.

"I just, I noticed you're not wearing the bracelet..."

"I thought it'd be best not to. I mean, your fiancé might not like it, even if it was a gift from another time."

"Well, we should probably discuss your assignment. What do you know about Lacy Calvin?"

"Lacy Calvin?" I said, questioning him. "She's a model turned movie star. And, wow, small world, she's the one who punched my cousin's friend Stephanie on that YouTube video."

"Right," Robert said, even though he clearly didn't know these things. "Your assignment is the Calvin-Jensen wedding. Our last event planner, Maggie with the curly hair, she just put in her two weeks notice. Her letter of resignation said that working with Lacy for seven months, she decided life was too short. Their wedding is in six weeks, and if we can't give her the wedding of her dreams, we'll be facing a massive lawsuit."

"Wow. Wouldn't Lucinda want to handle it herself, or give it to a senior agent."

"Mom hates Lacy, and so do most of the staff members. Besides, aside from being a superb wedding planner, you are great at handle crazy women without loosing your cool."

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