chapter two

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"You know the rules. No talking to strangers unless it's absolutely necessary, check in when you find your seat, take off, and arrive. I love you, honey. Be safe." My dad explained.

"Okay, okay. Love you too." I said. I  boarded the plane, looked for my seat, and then sat down. Once I sat down, I texted my dad like he told me. Then, a guy with rosy cheeks that looked around nineteen sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Sam." The guy said. He honestly looked really familiar. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"I'm Kaylee. You look really familiar." I told him.

"Sam, Sam Pottorff. YouTuber, used to be in a group called O2L. Ring a bell?" He asked. That's when the light bulb turned on inside my head.

"Yeah! That's where I know you!" I said excitedly. He laughed a bit and so did I.

"You watch my videos?" Sam asked.

"I used to watch a few of them sometimes." I told him. He nodded and smiled.

"Cool. So are you flying alone?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm moving back in with my mom and brother because my dad is doing work stuff." I said.

"You seem kinda young to be flying alone." Sam told me.

"I'm fourteen. But yeah I guess it's kinda young to fly across the country alone." I laughed.


I woke up to the sound of the lady on the intercom telling us the plane was landing. I stretched my arms and sat up a bit. Once the plane landed, I texted my dad, then got up and walked off the plane.

"Bye, Kaylee. Nice meeting you." Sam said as we went opposite ways.

"You too!" I smiled. Then I walked around the airport searching for my mom. After a while, I finally did. I ran towards her and she engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Mom! I've missed you so much." I smiled.

"I've missed you too, Kaylee." She smiled, letting go of me. That's when I saw Tayler.

"Tayler!" I squealed as I jumped in his arms. He spun me around and hugged me. Then he set me down easily.

"I missed you, little sis!" Tayler smiled.

"I missed you too." I told him.

"You ready to go home?" My mom asked. I nodded and we grabbed my bags. We carried my bags to my moms car, and then I climbed in the back seat. My mom started the car and we were on our way home.


I got out of the car, and stood there. I was finally home. Tayler and I grabbed my bags and carried them to our apartment. Once we were inside, I went straight to my old room. Tayler followed me into my room and set my bags down.

"Glad to have you back home, sis." Tayler said, wrapping his arm around me. I looked around my room. It was still painted a very light shade of pink.

"Me too." I smiled.

"Need help unpacking?" Tayler asked.

"Yeah, can you hang up my clothes while I put everything else up?" I asked. He nodded and we both started unpacking my bags. The first thing I did was make my bed. I put on my white sheets and white conforter. I put threw my decorative pillows onto my bed to add color. There was a tye-dye one, a black one with rainbow polka dots, and a blue and orange chevron one that Blake gave me a long time ago.
Then I got my pictures out and hung them on the wall. I made this thing out of thin rope and clips that I hung my pictures on. There were two of me and Sarah, three of me and Blake, a few of me and Tayler, and some with me and my dad.
I put my digital clock on my bedside table, and my piggy bank on my dresser. After that, I helped Tayler put away my clothes.

"So, what happened while I was gone?" I asked, hanging up a shirt.

"A lot actually." Tayler laughed. "A boy named Joey moved in the apartment building, and he literally became my best friend. We both got famous on, and then made a YouTube together. We got really big on there, and then after a while we stopped making videos on that channel, but made our own channels. And now here I am helping my sister unpack clothes." Tayler explained. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say.

"And I knew nothing about this?" I asked.

"I guess so. Your own brother is famous and you didn't even know. But maybe if you had social media you would have known" He laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." I laughed.

"Watch your mouth, child." Tayler told me and I laughed. Tayler hung up the last thing in my bag, then went to his room.

I can't believe my brother is internet famous, and I didn't know about it. So, my best friend is Internet famous, and so is my older brother. Holy crap, life is crazy.

I looked at the clock on my phone, that said it was almost ten. I decided I had had enough for one day. I layed down in my bed, and fell asleep.

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