chapter 1

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Cara's POV
"You must be insane if you think we're going to win." I laughed, shaking my head at Kylie. We were currently attempting to win sold out One Direction tickets for our hometown next week on a radiostation.

"Shut up, we can do this." She said, yet again calling the station. Kylie breathed heavily, but was yet again ignored by the station.

"Dang it!" She yelled, banging on a pillow. "Come on lord, answer my prayer!"

I almost choked when a voice answer Kylie's phone. "Hello, this is RadioToday! And who is this?"

"Kylie!" She almost screamed in excitement, but quickly calmed herself. "Kylie Sandoval."

"Well congratulations, Kylie. You've won 1-D tickets for next Friday. Do you plan on taking anyone with you?"

"Yeah, my best friend Cara. We are so excited!"

I was honestly in awe that we had just won One Direction tickets! Me and Kylie have been trying to get One Direction tickets forever. They sold out in less than an hour. I had given up hope on getting them, but I knew if we wished hard enough, we might get them.

"Okay, well, have a good time! Just pick them up at the RadioToday headquarters in Sanfrancisco, California. Have a good afternoon!"

"You too!"

Kylie immediatley jumped on her bed and started squealing. "We won!! We did it!"

"I know!" I squealed back at her, as we both jumped on the bed and hugged. "We did it!"

After we both had calmed down, she grabbed my hand. "What are you doing?"

"Going to get the tickets, silly." She chuckled, pretty much dragging me out of the front door of her apartment. "Let's go!"
*1 week later*

"There's no way we're going to get in there." Kylie scoffed shaking her head. "We literally did everything to get these tickets and now they're useless!"

Kylie and I have been trying to get into the stadium for more than an hour, and we've had no luck. Guess that's what we get when we're one of the last ones here.

Kylie slowly slid down the wall of Levi's Stadium. She let her head fall in her palm as she tried to regulate her breathing. I sighed and sat next to her.

"Hey," I nudged her arm. She looked up at me, her eyes watering in dissapointment. "It's okay. We can still make tonight a good night, okay?"

She let out a puff of breathe, and shrugged. "I doubt that."

I sighed again, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. "I'm sure we'll find a way."

"We can help you guys out with that."

Me and Kylie both looked up at the two girls standing behind us. They both were tan, and had blonde hair. The taller one had dirty blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. The shorter one had brown hair with brown eyes that almost looked black. They both wore their hair in french braids. The both had dark colored beanies on with black jackets.

"And who are you two, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm Makenzy." The taller one asked, giving me a small and faint smile.

"Allison." The shorter one replied, giving me a nod.

I gave her a smile back, as me and Kylie stood up. "And what exactly do you guys plan on doing to make our night better?"

Makenzy held up a pair of keys. "Tour bus keys."

My jaw dropped as she smirked. "Is this some joke?"

"Nope." She smiled, nodding her head over to the snoring security guard. "Was a piece of cake taking them from sleeping beauty."

I bit my lip as Kylie looked at the two girls suspiciously. "What's the catch?"

The two girls looked at each other before looking back at us. "We need you two to look after us while we handle some buisness, and them you two will have the tour bus to yourselves until the concerts over. We'll keep an eye out."

There was a short silence until Kylie finally spoke. "Okay, let's do it."

So, Makenzy, Allison, Kylie and I all walked to behind the venue were the tour bus was parked.

"We'll have to climb over the gate." Allison said, pointing to an alarm system attached to the gate. "If we walk anywhere near or through that entrance, the alarm will go off and we'll most likely be in big trouble if we get caught."

I swallowed the forming lump in my throat. I knew this was a bad idea, but me and Kylie have done everything on this earth to get these tickets. I'm not going to not make this a night to remember.

Allison climbed to the top of the gate and helped Makenzy up. Me and Kylie did the same. I felt like I was going to literally die when I saw the One Direction side plastered over the side of the bus.

"I think we should go back." Kylie stuttered, her eyes wide with worry. "W-What if the boys come and-"

"Shhh." I said, shushing her. "This is going to be a night to remember. We can't go back now."

She nodded, slowly walking towards the bus. "I can do this." She breathed.

Allison and Makenzy were the first ones to go on the bus. Kylie and I's jaws both dropped when they had sacks hanging off they're shoulders, full of items of the boys.

"Whoa, whoa, wait 1 second." I laughed. "We did not agree to make sure you guys didn't get caught by the police while you two stole the boys' stuff."

"Well, you never asked." Makenzy shrugged, raising her eyebrows. "Whats it's matter anyway? They're filthy rich, they can replace it."

I shook my head and scoffed. Kylie was still staring at the bus in shock as I opened the door and walked up the few steps to the inside. "Woah."

Kylie followed me with wide eyes. "Woah."

We both looked around the bus in awe until Allison spoke up behind us. "We don't have all day."

The bus was really cool. It had two couches with a TV that slid out of the wall. Literally. Kylie screamed in fear when a teacup yorkie sniffed around her feet in curiosity.

"Kylie!" I whisper-yelled, covering her mouth with my palm. "Shut up! We're gonna get caught!"

She let out a whimper when the dog sniffed her feet again. I rolled my eyes at her childish behavior. "Its just a dog."

She nodded, taking a deep breathe. "Sorr-"

"You made me fall." We heard a laugh erupt form outside. Me and Kylie looked at each other with wide eyes.

"The boys." I whispered, pulling Kylie towards the bunks. "The boys are coming!" We heard laughs come from outside the bus.

"Under the bunks!" I said, sliding my body under a bunk. "Oh my god."

"What do I do?!" Kylie said, flailing her arms into the air.

"Under the bunk, idiot!" I yelled as she slid under the bunk across from me. We both heard the boys come in, and I almost fainted when I saw Harry's boots walk RIGHT NEXT TO MY FACE.

I looked at Kylie in worry when I saw her glaring at me. "This is all your fault."

The boys talked as me and Kylie had a staring contest glaring wise. I almost choked on my spit when I heard Niall yell,

"Next stop, Seattle, Washington!"

807 miles from here.
First book! Hope you guys like it ! 💞👐

Love, Kyra and Mads. 😇

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⏰ Última atualização: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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